InitiaMonitor: This tool is to monitor the status of the node/validator.
- Server down
- Out of memory (<10%)
- Out of disk space (<10%)
- Out of disk space within 24h
- High CPU load (>85%)
- Missing blocks
- Degraded syncing (sync less than 40 blocks in last 5 min)
- Low peers count (<5)
- username: admin
- default password: admin
- Install Docker first
bash <(curl -s
- Clone the repo
cd ~
git clone
- Create configuration files from examples
cd monitoring-tool
cp prometheus/prometheus.yml.example prometheus/prometheus.yml
cp alertmanager/config.yml.example alertmanager/config.yml
- Start containers
sudo docker compose up -d
Add your servers with installed node_exporter or installed cosmos-based node with enabled prometheus port to file prometheus/prometheus.yml
# example for servers with node_exporter installed
- job_name: "my-servers"
- targets: [""]
instance: "server1"
- targets: [""]
instance: "server2"
# example for servers with node_exporter and cosmos-based node installed
- job_name: "cosmos-validator-nodes"
- targets: ["",""]
instance: "validator1"
- targets: ["",""]
instance: "validator2"
- targets: ["",""]
instance: "validator3"
sudo nano $HOME/.initia/config/app.toml
In order to enable telegram notifications, create your own bot and fill in the following fields in the file alertmanager/config.yml
chat_id=1111111 # your telegram user id
bot_token=11111111:AAG_XXXXXXX # your telegram bot token
In the screenshots below are statistics about how much a server with the Initia validator consumes, from CPU, RAM, SSD etc
How to update the docker container
cd monitoring-tool
sudo docker compose down
git pull
sudo docker compose pull
sudo docker compose up -d
Thanks for the support received from the nodejumper team