This is the specification for intermediate experiment language (.ixl) files, which are used by GLUE to build experiments.
An experiment is a directed graph that starts from a ExperimentStart
node and leads to an ExperimentEnd
node. Graphs are stored in JSON files using the jsongraph format.
These nodes exist in all experiments and define the trial-by-trial logic of the experiment itself.
- Loading: Triggered when the program shows it's loading screen. Useful for delayed asset loading or complicated calculations.
- ExperimentStart (required): Experiment start is triggered when the program is finished loading and should start the main logic.
- ExperimentEnd (required): Calling experiment end should quit the program.
- BlockStart_X:
- BlockEnd_X:
- TrialStart_X:
- TrialEnd_X:
- Update: Called on each frame
- FixedUpdate: For physics updates
- Time:
since the last frame, deltaTime since the trial start, block start, etc,delay(ms)
. - Math: Basic mathematical functions:
- Transform: A base transform node has no 2D/3D model, but defines a position, rotation, and scale. Transforms can have children/parents.
- Object2D (Sprite): 2D object nodes has a transform as well as a set of properties that control their texture, shader, etc
- Object3D (Mesh): 3D object nodes also have a mesh (and eventually, animations)
- UI: User interface elements, such as text
- Camera: Defines the position of an orthographic or perspective camera
Data nodes capture custom information. By default, the program logs the interval between the experiment, block, and trial start and ends nodes (i.e. reaction times). Each set of data is stored in its own Experiment/Block/Trial dataframe, which is saved a CSV file.
- ExperimentData/BlockData/TrialData: Takes as input a serializable value and a name and saves these as a new column in the corresponding datafarme.
- ContinuousData: Data that is written to continuously (on every frame) and is saved separately as a raw .bytes file.
- SocketNode: Opens a ZeroMQ socket connection to push/pull data
- SerialNode: Opens a serial connection, e.g. to an Arduino to push/pull data
- APINode: Send or receive data from an API request
The application should be controllable from triggers sent via an external application, through ZeroMQ. Data is sent either as a string or a flat byte[].
- "start": Triggers the ExperimentStart node and begins the experiment
- "stop": Ends the experiment
- "pause": Pauses the experiment
- "data-x": Requests all of the current data for x=experiment/block/trial
Messages can be sent via the API to control an experiment, for example to allow for debugging. Messages can be both sent and received through the API.
- "send": Sends serializable data to be received by a communication node
- "receive": Receives data from a communication node