This project is a pilot study by Vincent to assess the intervention effect for MDD.
Data source: []( Openneuro)
1. Imaging data MRI *3 sessions;
2. Depression measures: Description: German version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D). Hautzinger, M., Bailer, M., Hofmeister, D., & Keller, F. (2012). Allgemeine Depressionsskala (ADS). Manual (2. Auflage). Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag GmbH. This self-assessing scale comprises 20 items covering depressive symptoms in the emotional, motivational, cognitive, somatic, and motoric domain. Participants had to indicate the extent to which the given conditions apply to them in the last week on a four-point scale ranging from “infrequent” to “the most time”.
1. Hypothesis testing
1. Intervention effects;
2. Post intervention effects;
2. Exploratory analysis
1. structrual cov
3. Methods:
1. Using fMRIPrep to process the BIDS dataset, technically treat the 3 sesseions as 3 datasets due to its incapability of dealing with longtitudinal data.
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