VPNMON-R3 v1.2.1
What's new?
v1.2.1 - (February 23, 2024)
- MINOR: Added a new configuration menu item that allows you to enable/disable the ability to import your VPN Server IP lists directly into the Skynet Firewall for whitelisting purposes. This is another feature coming over from VPNMON-R2, as there have been instances in the past where the Skynet blacklist would prevent a connection to a perfectly legitimate VPN Server that belongs to your VPN provider. This function will fire off each time you execute a VPN Server List automation under option (U), and will also run each time a "vpnmon-r3 -reset" command is executed. Please note: Skynet must already have been installed (using AMTM) and working/functional.
- PATCH: The update logic now pulls the vpnmon-r3.sh directly from github starting from versions after 1.2.1, instead of the vpnmon-r3-X.Y.Z.sh file based on the version number from the version.txt file.