File based blocking queue is a simple java library, utilizes MappedByteBuffer to store and retrieve data. The functionality and complexity is comparable to LinkedBlockingQueue.
Most recent update to the Queue will be in the file cache and hence an immediate read will be faster.
Bigger the queue, we will have to do a seek (but sequential IO) to retrieve data in order.
Removing am element is same as marking the data location for delete and skipping them while reading. (Hence atomic)
The filesystem/space is split into multiple segments. Each segment is created on demand as the queue grows.
The segments are recycled (To reduce the number of FD's in use) after the data is retrieved.
Segments are discard instead of recycling if the max file system size has reached.
Supports BlockingQueue API's.
Note: There is (de-)Serialization overhead. When JVM exits or the system crashes the files are not in sync, hence we start with a new segments ignoring the old ones before the crash. The above can be solved by doing Periodic sync (not implemented by default).
FileBackedBlockingQueue<String> queue = new FileBackedBlockingQueue.Builder<String>().directory(TEST_DIR).serializer(new StringSerializer()).build();
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
queue.add(TEST_STRING + i);
FileBackedBlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = new FileBackedBlockingQueue.Builder<Runnable>().directory(dir).serializer(MessageTask.serializer).build();
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadCount, threadCount, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, workQueue);
if (pattern.matcher(msgContainer.routingKey).matches())
executor.execute(new MessageTask(msgContainer));