=> What is Rock'Quest ?
Rock'Quest is a Guitar Hero like game made by four Wild Code School students from Lyon in October 2021. The goal was to create a static website only using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. Notice that we built this game only after two weeks of web development training, so it's not perfect ! The game is available on desktop, mobile (not fully stable), and unfortunately not yet on tablet (time was missing).
=> How to play Rock'Quest ?
If you don't know the rules, you can check the "How to play" page which explains all you have to know. Otherwise, go to "Play" page, choose your difficulty between Easy, Medium and Hard. After the 3 seconds countdown, the game begins !
If you're on desktop (recommended) :
Use your keyboard with S, D, K and L to score a maximum of points. Just tap your keyboard when the notes are in the white area.
If you're on smartphone (not fully stable version) :
Tap the colored squares to score a maximum of points. Double-tap zoom is normally disabled so don't worries ! Just tap squares when the notes are in the white area.
If you tap/press right, you'll score 20 points. If you're too early, you'll loose 20 points. You can see your score everytime. At the end of the 90 seconds, your final score is displayed, you can try again or quit.
=> Check your best scores
Use the leaderboard page to check your best scores in each mode (localStorage is used). If you beat your own score, the leaderboard will automatically update. If your new score is lower than your best score in the same mode, nothing change.
=> How to contribute and improve Rock'Quest ?
You can fork our the repository if you want to work on a feature. You can also contact us if you have a question or something else.
Main ways of improvment :
Game song isn't working on iPhone, but works on Android.
Work on tablet support