##ABOUT: this piece of code is a proof of concept for the integration of admob in a Kivy project. it used to work fairly well with the old toolchain of python-for-android, as well as on iOS8+.
Open the Android SDK Manager and download "Google Repository" and "Google Play services" which are in the Extras category.
Copy the google-play-services_lib folder from ANDROIDSDK/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject to your app folder (where you keep your main.py)
Edit your buildozer.spec and add
android.meta_data = com.google.android.gms.version=@integer/google_play_services_version
android.library_references = google-play-services_lib
- Update your android project to take google play services into account:
$ android update project --subprojects -t 1 -p ./google-play-services_lib/
- Add an activity to the Androidmanifest.tmpl.xml to handle the ads:
<activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity"
- Update your settings.py with your admob unitID and devices hashes
$ cp settings.py.sample settings.py && vim settings.py
- Build your android app
$ buildozer android debug
create kivy-ios project
follow https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/quick-start#manually_using_the_sdk_download to add the mandatory frameworks.
run on a testing device.
##Important notes:
- Don't mess with Google by cliquing on your own ads to generate traffic, you will be catched, and then banned from the service.