Python 2.7.10 (pip is included)
set environment variable PATH
to include for Python27 and Python27\Scripts (C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts
to install django:
pip install django
pip install django-filter
pip install djangorestframework
pip install drf-nested-routers
pip install markdown
pip install setuptools
pip install virtualenv
Node+npm (there is no need to set path environment variable, node does this automatically)
npm install -g cordova
android sdk - android studio not necessary
atom - preferred text editor (if you use an IDE, change gitignore file!)
in folder where you want to keep project (C:\users\username\projects
git clone
download lib with angular, jquery, etc. from dropbox (check email) and put in project
in directory Flash\flashweb\static
and Flash\c_hapin\www\lib
(make sure you get the right libs for each one)
We also installed Android Studio.
Define environmental variable ANDROID_HOME to point to Android SDK.
Define more env vars ????
$ export ANDROID_HOME=/Library/Android/sdk
install Xcode from AppStore
(to check if the full Xcode package is already installed:
$ xcode-select -p
If you see:
then xcode is installed already)
to check if Command Line Tools are installed:
$ gcc --version
if not, go here
django - skim
- change directory to c_hapin:
cd Flash\c_hapin
- add platforms:
cordova platform add android
- run:
cordova run android
for running in browser (in c_hapin again):
npm start
- open browser and go to