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Project Description

This project aims to build a job site network, allowing multiple front-end job boards to display listings from a central backend based on user-defined settings. This network will:

  • Support underserved communities: Job posting companies can promote roles across specialized job boards through a single admin panel, improving access for diverse applicant pools.
  • Reduce redundancy: The system will automatically scrape jobs from existing boards, notifying job posters of cross-postings and prompting account activation. This streamlines cross-posting and aligns with government initiatives for broader job promotion.
  • Enhance accessibility: The system focuses on accessibility and community engagement.
  • Improve job descriptions: Leverage Large Language Model (LLM) APIs to empower users to create more compelling job posting descriptions.

Programming Language(s)

This web-based job portal will utilize:

  • Front-end: React
  • Backend: MongoDB
  • External APIs:
    • Stripe for payment processing
    • OpenAI for LLM functionalities
    • Auth0 for user authentication

Hardware/Software Requirements

  • Frontend Development: React
  • Backend Database Management: MongoDB
  • Version Control: GitHub
  • Development Environment:
    • IDE suitable for React development
    • Web browser for testing
  • Computational Resources: Cloud-based infrastructure and servers to host the job boards and admin panel.

Current Work/Arrangement

Currently, job postings are often restricted to individual platforms, limiting exposure to a wider range of potential candidates. This often necessitates manual cross-posting across multiple platforms, leading to repetitive and time-consuming work.

Project Setup Note

Project Overview: Name: job-bank


To install the project, clone the repository and run npm install to install all dependencies: Notes: This is a React + Next.js project. Please follow these steps to run the project.

  • Clone the repository (git clone Navigate to root folder (cd job-bank)
  • Add the ‘ .env.local’ file to the project.
  • Run ‘npm install’ or ‘npm i’ to install dependencies/packages
  • Run ‘npm run dev’ to see changes in the local development environment
  • To apply EsLint and Prettier before committing, run > npm install or > npm i.
  • Make sure to follow the linting rules defined in .eslintrc and .prettierrc.
  • Environment variables are loaded using dotenv.
  • Run ‘npm run build’ before merging to main to ensure there are no build errors before deployment
  • Git commits trigger linting and formatting checks before being committed due to Husky and lint-staged configurations.
  • To run the playwright tests use 'npx playwright test' this will the test directory defined in the playwright.config.ts
  • To run the coverage report npm run coverage


  • dev: Run the development server. (npm run dev OR npm run dev --watch)
  • build: Build the production application.
  • start: Start the production server.
  • lint: Lint the codebase using ESLint and Next.js lint rules.
  • prepare: Run Husky pre-commit hooks.
  • format: Format the code using ESLint and Prettier.
  • jest: run jest tests in the e2e folder for testing
  • coverage: generates a coverage report after running jest tests

Husky & Lint-Staged

  • Husky is used for Git hooks, configured to run pre-commit hooks.
  • Lint-staged is configured to run ESLint and Prettier on staged files before committing.


  • @auth0/nextjs-auth0: Authentication library for Next.js applications.
  • @heroicons/react: Heroicons for React.
  • @radix-ui/react-checkbox: Component library for checkboxes.
  • @radix-ui/react-dialog: Component library for dialogs.
  • @radix-ui/react-icons: Component library for icons.
  • @radix-ui/react-label: Component library for labels.
  • @radix-ui/react-select: Component library for selects.
  • @radix-ui/react-slot: Component library for slots.
  • @sendgrid/mail: Library for sending emails using SendGrid.
  • @stripe/stripe-js: Stripe library for client-side integration.
  • @tailwindcss/forms: Tailwind CSS plugin for styling form elements.
  • auth0: Auth0 client library.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • babel: JavaScript compiler.
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: Babel plugin for code coverage.
  • class-variance-authority: Utility library for class variance.
  • classnames: Utility for conditionally combining class names
  • clsx: Library for conditionally joining classNames.
  • dotenv: Library for loading environment variables.
  • lucide-react: Library for Lucide icons.
  • mongoose: MongoDB ORM library for Node.js.
  • next: React framework for building server-rendered applications.
  • node-cron: Module for scheduling tasks.
  • puppeteer-extra: Extended version of Puppeteer.
  • puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth: Plugin to make Puppeteer stealthier.
  • react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-dom: React library for DOM rendering.
  • react-quill: Rich text editor component for React.
  • stripe: Stripe library for server-side integration.
  • tailwind-merge: Utility library for merging Tailwind CSS classes.
  • tailwindcss-animate: Tailwind CSS plugin for animations.
  • ts-node: TypeScript execution environment for Node.js.


  • @jest/globals: Jest globals for TypeScript.
  • @playwright/test: Playwright testing library.
  • @types/jest: TypeScript definitions for Jest.
  • @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js.
  • @types/puppeteer: TypeScript definitions for Puppeteer.
  • @types/react: TypeScript definitions for React.
  • eslint: JavaScript linter.
  • eslint-config-next: ESLint configuration for Next.js projects.
  • husky: Git hooks manager.
  • jest: JavaScript testing framework.
  • jest-playwright-preset: Jest preset for Playwright.
  • lint-staged: Run linters on Git staged files.
  • playwright: End-to-end testing library.
  • postcss: CSS post-processor.
  • prettier: Code formatter.
  • puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node.js API.
  • tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework.
  • ts-jest: TypeScript preprocessor with source map support for Jest.
  • typescript: TypeScript language.

DevOps Notes

  • In the main.yaml, the Docker Image is currently being uploaded to a personal Docker Hub repo (Account name is cassidyboilley099 and repo is job-bank)

  • There will be a need to add more qa tests for the app as the current coverage sits around 0% as jest doesnt consider e2e testing.

  • The ACTIONS_TOKEN is currently my PAT, a new token will need to be made. The same applies to the DOCKER_PASSWORD and DOCKER_USERNAME. To modify these go to the repo -> Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions ^^ This will require admin access to the repository

  • Testing is done through Playwright and Jest. Unit tests should be made with Jest so that coverage can be done. However playwright is easier to use for end-to-end testing but doesn't currently register on coverage reports.

  • The current playwright tests need to be updated to function with the current code as it was changed. Playwright does have a VSCode extension that you can use. Additionally if you want to run a Playwright browser instance use npx playwright codegen YOUR_URL and it lets click on the elements.

  • A local docker build can be made by running docker build -t job-bank .