Brief description of your project goes here. Explain what the project does and its purpose.
Directory Structure interfaces/: Contains interface definitions for your smart contracts. Interfaces define functions without implementing them, acting as a template that other contracts can implement.
library/: This directory holds library files. Libraries are collections of reusable code and functions that smart contracts can inherit or call, reducing redundancy and gas costs.
vault/: Contains contracts related to the vault functionality. Vaults are typically used for managing funds, tokens, or other assets in a decentralized finance (DeFi) context.
Files FunctionParameters.sol: A Solidity file that might define specific structures or parameters used across multiple contracts for standardization and ease of management.
Token.sol: This contract likely represents a token implementation, possibly an ERC20 token or another type of crypto-token used in the project.
WalletAAFactory.sol: A factory contract for creating and managing WalletAA instances. Factory patterns are common in smart contract development for creating multiple instances of contracts.
Installation and Setup (Provide instructions on how to set up and install your project. This might include steps like cloning the repository, installing dependencies, and compiling the contracts.)
bash Copy code
git clone cd npm install Save to grepper Compilation (Explain how to compile the smart contracts, especially if your project uses a framework like Hardhat or Truffle.)
bash Copy code
npx hardhat compile Save to grepper Deployment (Instructions on how to deploy the contracts. Include network details and any specific configurations needed.)
bash Copy code
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network Save to grepper Testing (Describe how to run the tests for your smart contracts.)
bash Copy code
npx hardhat test Save to grepper Contributing (Provide guidelines on how others can contribute to your project. Include instructions for branching, adding features, and submitting pull requests.)
License (Include information about your project's licensing here.)