Hi, my name is Vedant Pol. Welcome to my website!
My journey with open source began during my college days when I discovered Linux. Since then, I have been actively involved in various open source projects, fixing bugs, contributing code, and helping others in the community. I believe that by working together, developers can create software that is more reliable, secure, and innovative.
Thus I developed a portfolio website designed to resemble a Linux terminal, which serves as a platform for showcasing my skills and expressing my passion for Linux.
There are a bunch of commands avalible in the website feel free to try them all out.
list of all the avalible commands and their functions-
- about : A breif intor about the website
- banner : prints the initial banner of the website
- bing : You can use it to search on bing . Syntax Example: bing [thing to search]
- cat : meow
- cd : shows available directories
- date : prints the date
- duckduckgo : You can use it to search on DuckDuckGo.
Syntax Example:
duckduckgo [thing to search]
- echo : Linux echo command
- emacs : if you're an Emacs user
- email : Opens your email client
- github : Opens my GitHub account
- google : You can use it to search on Google.
Syntax Example:
google [thing to search]
- help : Prints a list of available commands
- linkedin : Opens my LinkedIn
- ls : showcases few of my projects
- nvim : if you are an Nvim user
- quote : prints a quote of the day
- radio : plays a song
- radioremove : removes radio element
- radiostop : stops the playing song
- reddit : You can use it to search on Reddit.
Syntax Example:
reddit [thing to search]
- repo : opens the GitHub repo of the website
- resume : opens my resume
- sudo : get rickrolled
- summary : link to all my socials and resume
- vi : if you're a vi user
- vim : if you are a Vim user
- weather : prints the weather of a city
syntax example:
weather [city]
example usage:weather Mumbai
- whoami : who am I