This is my personal git workflow; it might not be a good one; please help to improve it
repo is from repository, in git world it means the place we keep code.
origin is an alias name, we use to call the repo on the server which we clone it.
upstream is an alias name, we use to call the repo on the server where the main project is.
local, or local repo is the way we call the repo (folder) on our working folder's local machine.
when we would like to contribute on a project we start by forking it
after fork the project, you will have a new repo in your github. this repo will have a reference back to the upstream repo where you forked from.
On your machine, you need to prepare your local repo for further work
git clone<YOUR NAME HERE>/vault-express.git
cd vault-express
git remote add upstream
check it by
git remote -v
it should displays similar to this
On your machine, in your local repo directory. When we start to work/edit on something, we start by creating a new branch
git branch work
This will create a new branch name 'work'. You may use any words as you like and then we check the branch in local repo by
git branch
You will notice *master and work on your terminal the * mark means you are on that branch, in this case it means you are on master branch then we need to change to our new work branch by enter
git checkout work
check with git branch again, you will see the star mark move to *work
There is a shortcut for above command by
git checkout -b work
it will create work branch and also move you to that specific branch
Make sure you are on your work branch by issuing git checkout work From here, you may create/edit/delete as you like. Once you have done, you can save your changes to local repo, work branch by
git add .
git commit -m "YOUR COMMENT MESSAGE"
notice that with old git version, we might need to use git add . --all, if you delete some files
From this point, your work branch will have your changes BUT your master branch still have old code before changes
if you checkout master branch by git checkout master, you will see your old code in your local repo directory, you can move back and forth between branch anytime you like
After you have done, editing your files and also commit it into local repo. It is time to save the changed code back to your github repo ( origin ). Make sure you are on work branch (find current branch by git branch, notice the star mark), git checkout work to move to work branch
git push origin work
This will save your changed code to github origin repo and also create work branch as well
Notice the new branch on your github origin repo
Now it is time to apply your changes to the main project (upstream). you need to submit a PR to project maintainer who will review your changed files and apply changes to the upstream repo
To create the PR click on button 'Compare & pull request' as shown below
You fill out the PR and then click 'Create pull request'
Notice the PR title as example Fix #27 Send confirmation email for signing up. We use word 'Fix' following by issue number with # prefix and title description as same as the issue title, this will automatically match your PR to the issue by github. and i found that many projects use it this way, then just try to do the same way.
This step will be done by upstream project maintainers. He/She might ask you to update something and submit again, because it might impact to other parts of the project.
*I will update on this section later
Maintainer will get a copy of PR to his/her local repo for reviewing by "git fetch upstream pull/id/head:branch".
For example
git fetch upstream pull/65/head:review
*I will update on this section later
Notice the changed files were applied from your local to origin and then upstream
local repo --> fork repo ( origin ) --> main repo ( upstream )
and if you consider the branch, it will be
work branch (local repo) --> work branch ( origin ) --> master branch ( upstream )
We would like to make all master branch from each repo in sync and delete work branch because we don't need it anymore (all changes were already merged)
To sync all master branch, go to your local repo directory and run following
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
git pull upstream master will get files from upstream repo to your local repo master branch
git push origin master will apply changed files from local repo (which already be in sync) to your fork repo ( origin ) on master branch
Now, your master branch on local repo and fork repo should be in sync.
Before doing this step, you need to make sure that your PR is merged and your all master branch are synced. otherwise you will lose all your work!!!
On this step, we will delete work branch on local repo and fork repo ( origin ).
To delete branch from your local repo. On your local repo directory, You also need to move to other branch, you can't remove branch that you are actively on it
git checkout master
git branch -D work
To delete branch from github origin repo ( fork repo )
git push --delete origin work