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Side Hackathon Training on the Vara Network

Step 1: Open Contract on Gitpod


Step 2: Compile and Deploy the Smart Contract

Rust: You need to have rust 1.80 or newer to be able to compile your contract:

rustup install 1.81
rustup default 1.81
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Compile the smart contract by running the following command:

cargo build --release

Once the compilation is complete, locate the *.opt.wasm file in the target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release directory.

Step 3: Interact with Your Contract on Vara Network

  1. To interact with the Gear IDEA and deploy your contract, you will need to download a wallet extension such as Polkadot-JS, Talisman, or Subwallet to interact with Substrate-based chains.
Polkadot-JS Extension

Step 4: Interact with Your Contract on Vara Network

  1. Access Gear IDE using your web browser.
  2. Connect your Substrate wallet to Gear IDE.
  3. Upload the *.opt.wasm and metadata.txt files by clicking the "Upload Program" button.

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