Releases: Vantiv/cnp-sdk-for-java
Releases · Vantiv/cnp-sdk-for-java
This version of CNP SDK is only for Worldpay internal use and it has not been released into maven.
Change Log for v12.43(December 16, 2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.43] New elements cumulativeAmount & originalTransactionAmount are added in realtimeIncrementalAuthorization request for internal usage.
This version of CNP SDK is only for Worldpay internal use and it has not been released into maven.
Change Log for 12.42(October 29,2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.42] New realtimeIncrementalAuthorization request is added only for internal usage.
==Change Log for 12.40(September 30th,2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.40] In authorization,sale and captureGivenAuth request new elements added-> 'typeOfDigitalCurrency' and 'conversionAffiliateId'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.40] In existing simple type transactionAmountType range added between minInclusive value -999999999999 and maxInclusive value 999999999999
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.40] In existing type authenticationProtocolVersionType new values '3','4','5','6','7','8' and '9' are added
==Change Log for 12.39
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.39] In 'subMerchantCredit' 'payFacCredit','reserveCredit', 'payoutOrgCreditRequest' base changed from 'transactionTypeWithReportGroup' to 'transactionTypeWithReportGroupAndRtp'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.39] To support new changed extension base for above txns ,New Complextype 'transactionTypeWithReportGroupAndRtp' added.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.39] New element 'fundingTransactionReferenceNumber' in authorization and sale response.
==Change Log for 12.38
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] In existing Enum 'ActionTypeEnum' new value 'FIVD' added
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] In existing complex element 'baseRequest' two more choices are added 'encryptionKeyRequest' and 'encryptedPayload'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] In existing complex element 'cnpOnlineResponse' one more choice is added 'encryptionKeyResponse'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] New element 'encryptionKeyRequest' is added of type 'encryptionKeyRequestEnum'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] To support 'encryptionKeyRequest' new Enum 'encryptionKeyRequestEnum' added with values 'CURRENT' and 'PREVIOUS'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] New complex element 'encryptionKeyResponse' is added with simple elements ->'encryptionKeySequence' of type 'encryptionKeySequenceType' and 'encryptionKey' of type 'encryptionKeyType'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] To support 'encryptionKeySequence' new simple type 'encryptionKeySequenceType' added with total Digits 19
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] To support 'encryptionKey' new simple type 'encryptionKeyType' of type string with maxLength 15000
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] New complex element 'encryptedPayload' is added with simple elements ->'encryptionKeySequence' of type 'encryptionKeySequenceType' and 'payload' of type 'payloadType'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] To support 'payload' new simple type 'payloadType' of type string with maxLength 15000
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.38] In capture Request new complex element 'partialCapture' is added with elements-> 'partialCaptureSequenceNumber' of type 'integer' and 'partialCaptureTotalCount' of type 'partialCaptureCount'
==Version 12.37.4_17 (v12.37.4_17)(2nd August, 2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37.4_17] Change: Removed Glassfish Package-Jaxb-Core duplicate dependency which supports Jakarta namespace.
==Version 12.37.2_17 (v12.37.2_17)(July 11, 2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37.2_17] Change: cnp-sdk-for-java is upgraded to work with Jakarta v4.0.2 and Java 17 compatibility.(Replaced Javax with Jakarta)
==Version 12.37.0 (v12.37.0)(May 30, 2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New existing 'postCheckoutRedirectUrl' with min length '1' and maxlength '200'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New enum 'provider' is added with value 'AFFIRM'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex type 'inquiryResultType' is added with simple element 'response' of 'responseType' and 'message' of 'messageType'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLAuthorizationRequest' is added with added with few simple elements and few complex elements- simple elements 'amount','orderId' ,'provider' of type 'provider' and complex elements 'customerInfo','billToAddress','shipToAddress','enhancedData','postCheckoutRedirectUrl'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLAuthResponse' is added with few simple elements ,existing simple elements 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and 'checkoutUrl'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCaptureRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCaptureResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLRefundRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLRefundResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCancelRequest' is added with existing simple element 'amount','orderId','cnpTxnId'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLCancelResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLInquiryRequest' is added with existing simple element 'orderId','cnpTxnId'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.37] New complex element 'BNPLInquiryResponse' is added with existing simple element 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and complex element 'inquiryResult' of 'inquiryResultType'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new Enum is added 'accountFundingTransactionTypeEnum' with new values 'accountToAccount','agentCashOut','bankInitiated','businessDisbursement','businessToBusinessTransfer','debitPrepaidAccount','fundsDisbursement','fundTransfer','governmentNonProfitDisbursement','paymentOfOwnCreditCardBill','payrollDisbursement','personToPerson','personToPersonCardAccount','rapidMerchantSettlement','topUp','walletTransfer'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new Enum is added 'accountFundingTransactionAccountNumberTypeEnum' with new values 'other','RTNAndBAN','IBAN','cardAccount','email','phoneNumber','BANAndBIC','walletID','socialNetworkID'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New complex 'finicityAccountRequest' element is added with simple element 'echeckCustomerId' of type 'string25Type'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New complex 'finicityAccountResponse' element is added with simple elements 'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location' and new complex element 'finicityAccount' of type 'finicityAccountInfoType'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] To support 'finicityAccount' new complex type 'finicityAccountInfoType' is added with simple element accountId' of 'string','accType' of type 'echeckAccountTypeEnum','realAccNum' of 'echeckAccountNumberType','routingNum' of 'routingNumberType'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new element 'fraudCheckAction' of 'fraudCheckActionEnum' is added in Authorization, sale request.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New values added 'APPROVED_SKIP_FRAUD_CHECK','DECLINED_NEED_FRAUD_CHECK' to existing 'fraudCheckActionEnum'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] New simple element 'accountId' of type 'string' is added in 'echeckType' existing complex type.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.36] new simple elements are added in existing complex element accountFundingTransactionData,'receiverAccountNumberType' of 'accountFundingTransactionAccountNumberTypeEnum' and 'accountFundingTransactionType' of 'accountFundingTransactionTypeEnum'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum businessIndicatorEnum new values 'personToPersonCardAccount','debitPrepaidAccount','paymentOfOwnCreditCardBill','businessDisbursement','businessToBusinessTransfer','governmentNonProfitDisbursement','rapidMerchantSettlement','agentCashOut' are added.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] New Enum 'stateTypeEnum' is added with values 'AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT','DE','DC','FL','GA','HI','ID','IL','IN','IA','KS','KY','LA','ME','MD','MA','MI','MN','MS','MO','MT','NE','NV','NH','NJ','NM','NY','NC','ND','OH','OK','OR','PA','RI','SC','SD','TN','TX','UT','VT','VA','WA','WV','WI','WY','AB','BC','MB','NB','NL','NT','NS','ON','PE','QC','SK','YT','NU'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum fulfilmentMethodTypeEnum new values 'STANDARD_SHIPPING' and 'EXPEDITED_SHIPPING'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] In existing Enum orderChannelEnum new values 'SCAN_AND_GO' and 'SMART_TV'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] New complex element 'accountFundingTransactionData' added with below simple elements receiverFirstName of 'string35Type' ,'receiverLastName' of 'string35Type','receiverState' of 'stateTypeEnum',''receiverCountry' of 'countryTypeEnum' and 'receiverAccountNumber' of 'string50Type'
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.35] 'accountFundingTransactionData' is added in Authorization,sale,credit,capturegiventAuth and FORCECapture request.
==Version 12.34.0 (v12.34)(Feb 16, 2024)
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] For existing simple element 'amount' simple type is changed from 'transactionAmountType' to 'achTransactionAmountType' in transactions- vendorCredit,vendorDebit,submerchantCredit,submerchantDebit,payFacDebit,payFacCredit,reserveCredit,reserveDebit
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] Added new simple type 'achTransactionAmountType' to support 'amount'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] Added 'accountToAccount','bankInitiated','fundsDisbursement','payrollDisbursement','personToPerson','topUp' in existing enum businessIndicatorEnum.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] For existing element 'origId' from 'queryTransaction' simpletype changed from 'string25Type' to 'stringMin1Max36CollapseWhiteSpaceType'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New request element 'finicityUrlRequest' is added with subfeilds-'firstName','lastName','phoneNumber','email'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New response element 'finicityUrlResponse' is added with subfeilds-'cnpTxnId','response','responseTime','message','location','echeckCustomerId','url'.
- Change: [cnpAPI v12.34] New simple element 'echeckCustomerId' is added existing complex type 'echeckType'.