This is simple example project to show one way to use Concourse CI. This pipeline just builds couple of dummy docker images and then pushes images to Docker Hub. Pipeline template is using runtime variables, so different pipelines can be created just by adding different variable files into the project.
My blog post about this project can be found from
More information about Concourse CI can be found from
- docker
- docker-compose
Generate keys by executing in concourse/keys/
Start Concourse by executing in concourse/
docker-compose up
Install fly cli ( more info from )
Login with fly
fly --target concourse-example login --concourse-url http://localhost:8080
Create pipeline A
fly -t concourse-example set-pipeline -p concourse-example-pipeline-a -c concourse/pipelines/concourse-example/concourse-example-pipeline.yml --load-vars-from concourse/variables/runtime_variables_a.yml
Create pipeline B
fly -t concourse-example set-pipeline -p concourse-example-pipeline-b -c concourse/pipelines/concourse-example/concourse-example-pipeline.yml --load-vars-from concourse/variables/runtime_variables_b.yml
Provide your Docker Hub Credentials for local pipeline
Push something into Git or trigger build from GUI
PLEASE NOTICE CONCOURSE_ENCRYPTION_KEY in ci_encryption_key.env is not very secret, because it is in public repository. So, don't use it in any real contexts.
fly -t concourse-example execute -p --config concourse/pipelines/concourse-example/concourse-example-build.yml --input concourse-example=./
fly -t concourse-example watch -j concourse-example-pipeline-a/build-and-publish
docker-compose up
in concourse/docker-compose down
in concourse/
My blog post about this project can be found from
More information about Concourse CI can be found from