Folder | Description |
1_Requirements | Requirements and research analysis |
2_Design | UML diagrams specifing designs |
3_Implementation | All code files |
4_TestPlan | Details of test plan |
5_Images_Videos | Contains images and videos |
6_Others | Info |
Gas level detection and automatic booking are designed with various features that are implemented using Arduino and this device will be a single system with multiple applications for LPG consumers. The device monitors the load if the gas level and displays it within the alphanumeric display incessantly. It also detects the gas leakage by gas senor. This includes an additional feature of booking a new LPG cylinder when the gas level becomes critically low. The alert database is displayed in the system monitor.
Water level
Power Saver Living in an age where we need to be more conscious of the energy that we use, a water level controller is ideal at saving power. Normally, regulating water levels can consume electricity and wastewater. However, with automatic controllers, the electricity usage is limited as well as less water needed to regulate supply.
Money Saver A water level controller helps save money by limiting the waste of water and electricity. These devices accurately regulate how much energy is used to protect against any unnecessary water/electricity usage. Over time, the money saved is quite substantial.
Automatic Another notable advantage with these devices is that they regulate on their own. Eliminating manual operations with a timer switch, the frustrations of manual monitoring water tanks are minimized. Water levels are maintained at the appropriate levels thanks to the automatic operations of these devices.
Water Maximization On average, water pumps are used more during midday. A water level controller can maximize the water usage provided during midday while automatically lessening the water usage at night. This results in an appropriate level of water at all times being maintained, while providing you with the maximum use of your water at the appropriate times.