- Clone
Assumes you already have git installed. If not you will need to get it installed by your system administrator.
git clone https://[email protected]/VDBWRAIR/ngs_mapper.git
cd ngs_mapper
- Install System Packages
This is the only part of the installation process that you should need to become the super user
Red Hat/CentOS(Requires the root password)
su -c 'python setup.py install_system_packages && chmod 666 setuptools*'
sudo 'python setup.py install_system_packages && chmod 666 setuptools*'
- Configure the defaults
You need to configure the ngs_mapper/config.yaml file.
- Copy the default config to config.yaml
cp ngs_mapper/config.yaml.default ngs_mapper/config.yaml
- Then edit the config file which is in yaml(http://docs.ansible.com/YAMLSyntax.html) format
The most important thing is that you edit the NGSDATA value so that it contains the path to your NGSDATA directory
- Python
The ngs_mapper requires python 2.7.3+ but < 3.0
python setup.py install_python
Quick verify that Python is installed
The following should return python 2.7.x(where x is somewhere from 3 to 9)
$HOME/bin/python --version
Setup virtualenv
Where do you want the pipeline to install? Don't forget this path, you will need it every time you want to activate the pipeline
- Install the virtualenv to the path you specified
wget --no-check-certificate https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-1.11.6.tar.gz#md5=f61cdd983d2c4e6aeabb70b1060d6f49 -O- | tar xzf -
$HOME/bin/python virtualenv-1.11.6/virtualenv.py --prompt="(ngs_mapper) " $venvpath
- Activate the virtualenv. You need to do this any time you want to start using the pipeline
. $HOME/.ngs_mapper/bin/activate
- Install the pipeline into virtualenv
python setup.py install
It should be safe to run this more than once in case some dependencies do not fully install.
- Verify install
You can pseudo test the installation of the pipeline by running the functional tests
nosetests ngs_mapper/tests/test_functional.py
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