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Bytecode Description

Tool to read and write to an instruction Describe the format



Instructions are 4 bytes long.

| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|
|    Instruction ID     |           Argument 12A            |           Argument 12B            |
|    Instruction ID     |                              Argument 24                              |

Argument 24bits

| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|
|  Type  | Register  |                   Displacement                   | // case Type in {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}
|  Type  |                           Address                            | // case Type in {0x04}
|  Type  |                      Value (&3 = sign)                       | // case Type in {0x06}

Argument 12bits

| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|11|
|  Type  | Register  | Displacement | // case Type in {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}
|  Type  |         Address          | // case Type in {0x04}
|  Type  |    Value (&3 = sign)     | // case Type in {0x06}
|  Type  |                          | // case Type in {0x05, 0x07}


Value Register
0x00 A
0x01 B
0x02 C
0x03 D
0x04 E
0x05 F
0x06 G
0x07 H
0x08 I
0x09 J
0x0A K
0x0B L
0x0C Program counter (PC)
0x0D Flags (FG)
0x0E Base stack pointer (BP)
0x0F Stack pointer (SP)

Flags in %FG :

  • zero: 0x01
  • greater: 0x02


Value Readable Writable Addressable Type
0x00 X X Register %X
0x01 X X X Deferred Register [%X]
0x02 X X X Displaced Deferred Register [%X + disp]
0x03 X X X Displaced Deferred Register [%X + disp] (Displacement not included in the instruction)
0x04 X X X Address [X]
0x05 X X X Address [X] (Address not included in the instruction)
0x06 X Value X
0x07 X Value X (Value not included in the instruction)

Instruction Set

Load / Compare

MOV a, b : Load b into a
a need to be writable
b need to be readable

LEA a, b : Load the address of b into a
a need to be writable
b need to be addressable

SWP a, b : Swap the value of a and b
a and b need to be readable and writable

CMP a, b : Compare a and b, set the zero and the greater flag
CMPU is the unsigned version of CMPU
a and b need to be readable


ITU a : Convert a signed integer a to an unsigned integer a need to be readable and writable

ITF a : Convert a signed integer a to a float a need to be readable and writable

UTI a : Convert an unsigned integer a to a signed integer a need to be readable and writable

UTF a : Convert an unsigned integer a to a float a need to be readable and writable

FTI a : Convert a float a to a signed integer a need to be readable and writable

FTU a : Convert a float a to an unsigned integer a need to be readable and writable

Arithmetic Operations

ADD/ADDF a, b : Add b to a (a += b)
ADDF is the float version of ADD
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

SUB/SUBF a, b : Subtract b to a (a -= b)
SUBF is the float version of SUB
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

MOD/MODF a, b : store the modulo between a and b into a (a %= b)
MODF is the float version of MOD
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

MUL/MULU/MULF a, b : Multiply b to a (a *= b)
MULU is the unsigned version of MUL
MULF is the float version of MUL
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

DIV/DIVU/DIVF a, b : Divide b to a (a /= b)
DIVU is the unsigned version of DIV
DIVF is the float version of DIV
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

INC/INCF a : Increment a (a += 1)
INCF is the float version of INC
a need to be readable and writable

DEC/DECF a : Decrement a (a -= 1)
DECF is the float version of DEC
a need to be readable and writable

Bitwise Operations

AND a, b : bitwise 'and' a &= b
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

OR a, b : bitwise 'or' a |= b
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

XOR a, b : bitwise 'xor' a ^= b
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

NOT a : bitwise 'not' (one's complement) a ~= a
a need to be readable and writable

SHL a, b : left shift a by b into a (a <<= b)
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

SHR a, b : right shift a by b into a (a >>= b)
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

RTL a, b : left rotate a by b into a (a <<<= b)
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

RTR a, b : right rotate a by b into a (a >>>= b)
a need to be readable and writable
b need to be readable

Control Flow

JMP a : Jump to a (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

JMPE a : Jump to a if the zero flag is 1 (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

JMPNE a : Jump to a if the zero flag is 0 (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

JMPG a : Jump to a if the greater flag is 1 (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

JMPGE a : Jump to a if the zero flag or the greater flag is 1 (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

CALL a : Push %PC to the stack then jump to a (set %PC to a)
a need to be readable

RET : Pop the stack into %PC
Inverse operation of CALL

HLT : Halt the program with the return value in %A

Stack operations

PUSH a : Push a to the stack
a need to be readable

POP a : Pop the last value of the stack to a
a need to be writable

ETR : Start a new frame
Push %BP and set it to %SP

LVE : Restore the last frame
Set %SP to %BP and Pop the stack into %BP
Inverse operation of ETR


NEW a, b : Allocate a block of b bytes and store the first address in a
a need to be writable
b need to be readable

DEL a : Free a block previously allocated with NEW
a need to be readable


OUT a : Print the first byte of a as a character to the standard output
a need to be readable

DBG a : Print a to the standard output
a need to be readable


Description of the bytecode used in VCrate VM







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