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approved change
approved change
area: shared
area: shared
area: uop/stfc/cross-team
area: uop/stfc/cross-team
An issue which requires input from both teams in STFC
area: uop/stfc/reviews-allocations
area: uop/stfc/reviews-allocations
An issue being handled by the STFC R&A Team
area: uop/stfc/submissions
area: uop/stfc/submissions
An issue being handled by the STFC submissions team
area: uop/stfc
area: uop/stfc
An issue relating to the STFC user office project.
do-not-merge: blocked
do-not-merge: blocked
This PR cannot be merged because it is blocked by something else.
do-not-merge: in-progress
do-not-merge: in-progress
This PR cannot be merged because further work needs to be completed on it.
gitlab merge request
gitlab merge request
has attachment
has attachment
new scope
new scope
subject to change control
ops: app-server
ops: app-server
This PR requires a change to an app server configuration (for example, Payara or IIS).
ops: bis-app-settings
ops: bis-app-settings
This PR requires a bis-app-settings change on release.
ops: ci
ops: ci
This PR requires changes to the continuous integration configuration on Jenkins.
ops: comms
ops: comms
This issue needs comms during the release.
ops: db
ops: db
This PR requires a database change on release.
ops: logs
ops: logs
This PR affects the logging format consumed by logstash.
ops: manual
ops: manual
This PR requires manual ops on release
ops: orchestration
ops: orchestration
This PR requires a change in the orchestration configuration.
ops: proxy
ops: proxy
This PR requires a change in the Apache proxy servers.
ops: requires-monitoring
ops: requires-monitoring
This PR requires monitoring on merge or release
ops: wsdl
ops: wsdl
This PR changes the application's WSDLs and therefore requires an update to users of the WSDLs.
origin: business-as-usual
origin: business-as-usual
An issue in relation to business as usual, for example, a small feature request or bug.