This library serves as the official Python client to the Array of Things API.
This library will only run on Python 3.6 or better.
We will not support Python 2 or earlier versions of Python 3.
The AoT Client is available on PyPI:
$ pip install aot-client
You can then use it pull down lists of metadata and observations as well as detailed information about metadata.
from aot_client import AotClient
client = AotClient()
projects = client.list_projects()
for page in projects:
for proj in
print(f'{proj["name"]} is available at /api/projects/{proj["slug"]}')
To run the tests locally:
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv run python -m pytest
To build a release and push it to PyPI:
$ pipenv run python sdist bdist_wheel
$ pipenv run twine upload dist/*