Added [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] to many static functions to improve IL2CPP performance.
Added compress() that accepts a float4 and uint4.
Added math.project() and math.projectsafe() for vector projection.
Added math.EPSILON, math.INFINITY, math.NAN and their double counterparts.
Added [Serializable] to RigidTransform.
Added math.ceillog2().
Added math.floorlog2().
Added math.down(), math.forward(), etc for Cartesian coordinate axes that match UnityEngine Vector3 equivalents.
Added math.ispow2().
Added half.MinValueAsHalf and half.MaxValueAsHalf to avoid having to explicitly convert from float.
Added a float3x3 constructor which takes a float4x4 as input.
Added [Serializable] to half types.
Added some performance tests which can be run from the Unity test project.
Added Random.CreateFromIndex() to assist in creating Random instances from loop indices.
Fixed documentation bug where quaternion.RotateX/Y/Z referred to a float4x4 instead of quaternion.
Fixed code generation bugs which could cause Windows and Mac to generate different test code.
Fixed some test asserts which used NaNs and signed zeros which failed in IL2CPP builds.
Updated documentation for math.countbits() to include equivalent names on Intel and ARM architectures to aid in discoverability.
Fixed warnings for meta files existing even though the files they represent did not exist.
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