For Fedora 34-36:
1) su
2) dnf -y install$(rpm -E %fedora)-20.fc$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
Our GPG key is integrated in every unitedrpms-*.noarch.rpm
package. You can also import it manually:
# rpm --import
You can (and must if feel doubts!) check the GPG signature and hash sums of every package. Examples:
# rpm -K$(rpm -E %fedora)-20.fc$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
If all goes well, the following message is displayed: md5 gpg OK. This means that the signature of the package has been verified, and that it is not corrupt.
Video playback:
# dnf update
# dnf install vlc mpv ffmpeg gnome-mpv
Complete Gstreamer framework with all codecs:
# dnf install gstreamer{1,}-{ffmpeg,libav,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}} --setopt=strict=0
Chromium and Opera with HTML5 Multimedia support:
# dnf install chromium-freeworld opera
Gradio - superb playbox with the radiostations from around the world
# dnf install gradio
Need to work or relax with multimedia? No problemo
# dnf install kdenlive openshot kodi obs-studio spotify-client handbrake devede deedbeef