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Update v4-core
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qiwu7 committed Mar 11, 2024
1 parent f15995f commit ba45e0f
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/v4-core
Submodule v4-core updated 72 files
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/addLiquidity with empty hook.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/addLiquidity with native token.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/addLiquidity.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/before swap hook, already cached dynamic fee.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/cached dynamic fee, no hooks.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/donate gas with 1 token.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/donate gas with 2 tokens.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/erc20 collect protocol fees.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/gas overhead of no-op lock.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/initialize.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/mint with empty hook.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/mint with native token.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/mint.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/mintWithEmptyHookEOAInitiated.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/modify position with noop.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/native collect protocol fees.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/poolManager bytecode size.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/removeLiquidity with empty hook.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/removeLiquidity with native token.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/removeLiquidity.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/simple swap with native.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/simple swap.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/simpleSwapEOAInitiated.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/simpleSwapNativeEOAInitiated.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap against liquidity with native token.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap against liquidity.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap burn 6909 for input.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap burn claim for input.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap burn native 6909 for input.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap mint 1155 as output.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap mint native output as 6909.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap mint output as 6909.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap mint output as claim.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap with dynamic fee.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap with hooks.snap
+0 −1 .forge-snapshots/swap with noop.snap
+1 −1 .forge-snapshots/update dynamic fee in before swap.snap
+22 −0 .github/workflows/semgrep.yml
+28 −51 src/PoolManager.sol
+8 −14 src/interfaces/IPoolManager.sol
+1 −2 src/interfaces/callback/ILockCallback.sol
+7 −54 src/libraries/Hooks.sol
+44 −0 src/libraries/Locker.sol
+0 −153 src/libraries/Lockers.sol
+39 −0 src/libraries/NonZeroDeltaCount.sol
+0 −304 src/test/AccessLockHook.sol
+1 −3 src/test/EmptyTestHooks.sol
+0 −66 src/test/NoOpTestHooks.sol
+3 −3 src/test/PoolClaimsTest.sol
+12 −23 src/test/PoolDonateTest.sol
+3 −3 src/test/PoolEmptyLockTest.sol
+0 −61 src/test/PoolInitializeTest.sol
+9 −15 src/test/PoolModifyLiquidityTest.sol
+235 −0 src/test/PoolNestedActionsTest.sol
+31 −45 src/test/PoolSwapTest.sol
+4 −4 src/test/PoolTakeTest.sol
+2 −2 src/test/PoolTestBase.sol
+0 −3 src/types/BalanceDelta.sol
+0 −901 test/AccessLock.t.sol
+0 −46 test/CurrentHookAddress.t.sol
+3 −3 test/DynamicFees.t.sol
+26 −177 test/Hooks.t.sol
+46 −0 test/Locker.t.sol
+0 −148 test/LockersLibrary.t.sol
+43 −0 test/NestedActions.t.sol
+41 −0 test/NonZeroDeltaCount.t.sol
+25 −349 test/PoolManager.t.sol
+33 −38 test/PoolManagerInitialize.t.sol
+0 −171 test/PoolManagerReentrancyTest.t.sol
+6 −0 test/utils/Constants.sol
+14 −6 test/utils/Deployers.sol
+0 −1 test/utils/SwapHelper.t.sol

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