New repository to add daily/weekly/monthly reports of main project
Create a fork of this repository.
Copy the repo URL:
Clone it with the git
git clone code.git
You are free to work on it from the web interface , without cloning it locally.
Now edit some files. Change your appropriate files etc
(Skip this step if you are making the changes on the web.)
Add the changed files with the git command:
git add .
Commit the added files to your branch:
git commit -m 'Your commit description'
(Skip this step and add commit message directly and commit changes , if you are making changes on the web.)
Push the new commits on your branch to your fork:
(Skip this step if you are making the changes on the web.)
git push
Now go to your fork on GitHub or to the original repo Pull Requests:
Create a new pull request:
You will go a "Comparing changes" page.
Click "Create pull request", add a title, description and you're done!
for help with creating markdowns refer :