This repository contains various training material for the Uniconta API.
Task: create connectivity
Task: verify login
Task: create a wrapper class for the Uniconta API with the following methods:
init method
login/logout method
InitializeCompany to select default company for the user or first company and check wether the user has access to a company
get CrudAPI method, to create a new crudAPI.
Task: Create a button to populate Uniconta with some data. E.g. Items, Debtors or Orders.
Task: Create button to create table(tableheader)
Task: Create button to populate the table with fields
Task: get lines from file
Task: Create Uniconta entities (Sales orderes) from file data
Task: Create GUI with overview of items
Task: Calculate the number of times an item has been sold
Case7: Using events to hook into the invoice flow, creating purchase orders when a debtorOrder is invoiced
Task: Hook into the flow of the correct event
Task: Hook into the flow of inputting the orderline
Task: Get the orderlines from the page field
Task: Set the quantity to the sum of the quantity of the lines
Task: Find localized label
Task: Override label
Task: Load data from file
Task: Insert data into Uniconta
Task: Post (bogør) data