For this demo, I created a “round-up” feature for the purpose of "bank customers" using a public developer API.
It takes all the transactions in a given week and round them up to the nearest pound. My chosen framework for this was Vue.JS.
Firstly, incase anyone is a bit confused why I've referenced Indiana Jones, I remember seeing a bank that had "vaults" as their saving goals and so I thought it'd be funny to reference Tombs.. I also did Roman Archaeology as a degree, so it was any excuse to remind everyone how much I love Indiana Jones, basically.
A quick note about user data/tokens - I have hard-coded the users access token in store/api.js and the users account ID in balanceBlock.vue, both of these need to be updated to valid values before running.
Secondly, I had CORS issues when using Chrome so to get around this, I disabled CORS checks in Chome and on safari e.g. open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
*For access to a developer API, you need to sign up first. I used (
cd Savings-Tomb
npm install
npm run serve
npm run lint
Instead of hardcoding the developer token, I would probably look into adding it to a env.variable and so as not to expose it on the front end.
I woudld also look to make the most of state management like using Vuex as I think to build on this, I could definitely store the transactions in a state and make it more accessible.