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CloudRP RageMP Gamemode

Created using the RAGE:MP C# Server Side API, EF Core, TS & VueJS.


You can contact me at

-Discord unclemole
-Gamemodes discord server The server includes a video tutorial showing you how to set it up the gamemode. This server is only in place to report bugs with the gamemode NOT issues you have setting it up. It is reccomended that before you attempt to use the gamemode you understand the basics of programming and have a decent knowledge of JS & C#.


Contributing and bug reporting

To contribute please contact me on my discord unclemole and include why you wish to contribute.
To report a bug you can open an issue on the github repo (Don't contact me on discord about any bugs.) (bear in mind there is no licensing with this software and it is free to use).

Features not implemented or full completed yet.

  • Full inventory system.

  • Being able to call / message through the phone (Only the UI for it is finished).

  • Full watchdog system

  • Full casino system (still missing features etc Roulette Table)


  • Fully synced vehicle systems (sirens, interactions, WI menu, Dirt, fuel, indicators, stalling system, tyres, windows, distance calculation)

  • Character creation system

  • Nickname system

  • Housing system (still needs work as there is no furniture system yet)

  • Full admin system w/ discord intergrated report system

  • Custom chat system

  • Authentication and ban system with OTP emailing

  • Custom death and injury system

  • Nametagging system

  • VOIP system

  • Weapon display system

  • Bullet fragments (temp disabled)

  • Vehicle Stalling (temp disabled)

  • Custom clothing system with clothing shops

  • Custom door control

  • Job Center

  • Bus Driver, Garbage Job, Gruppe Six Job, Lawn Mower Job, Postal Job, Trucker Job. Complete Freelance Job System

  • Barber Shop

  • Rentable Vehicles

  • NPC Interaction & Raycast interaction system

  • DMV System

  • Lucky Wheel

  • Speedcameras

  • Full in-game discord intergration

  • Toll Booths (Still need work)

  • Attachment & Animation sync

  • Banking system with ATMs and Bank Deposit and withdrawl.

  • Player Phone system

  • Over 130+ roleplay commands

  • Animation menu

  • UCP (user control panel) Written in with the next framework.

  • Full vehicle system

  • Parking System

  • Insurance System

  • Faction System

  • Full Anti Cheat

  • Weather system synced to location of your choice

+ More

How to Install

1. First navigate to meta.example.xml and setup your credentials (for getting channel ID's make sure your discord is in developer mode then right click on a channel and "Copy ID").
    <info name="CloudRP" description="Cloud RP Server" />
    <script src="bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/CloudRP.dll" />
		<setting name="jsonentrypoint" value="/dotnet/resources/CloudRP/Json/"/>
		<setting name="host" value="localhost"/>
		<setting name="username" value="dbuser"/>
		<setting name="password" value="dbpass"/>
		<setting name="database" value="cloud_rp"/>
		<setting name="gmailuser" value="smptpuser"/>
		<setting name="gmailpass" value="smptppass"/>
		<setting name="discordtoken" value="discordapptoken"/>
		<setting name="discordstaffchannel" value="discordstaffchannelid"/>
		<setting name="discordreportalertchannel" value="discordreportalertchannelid"/>
		<setting name="discordguildid" value="discordguildid"/>
		<setting name="discordreportcat" value="discordreportcategory"/>
		<setting name="weatherapikey" value="weatherapikey"/>
		<setting name="vpnapikey" value="vpnapikey" />
		<setting name="banwebhookaddress" value="banswebhookaddress" />
		<setting name="production" value="true" />

For setting up gmailuser & gmailpass Good Tutorial

After setting it all up ensure to rename meta.example.xml to meta.xml

2. Acquire the RAGEMP server binary and build the solution.

Good Tutorial for setting up working enviroment

3. Building the client-side.

Head over to ClientSide\client and use npm i to install the required modules. After doing so you can run the command npm run build and copy the index.js file over to your client_packages folder.

4. Building the client-side-ui

Head over to ClientSide\client-ui and use npm i to install the required modules. After doing so you can run the command npm run build and copy the dist file over to client_packages. Ensure to rename the dist file to package2 as this is the protocol I used for the UI's you can learn more about it here.

5. Applying the first migration.

After you have correctly setup your working enviroment you will need to commit your first migration over to the database as the ORM EF Core is used. Head over to your PMC (Package Manager Console) located in the bottom left side of your VS IDE. And enter the commands add-migration "first migration" then update-database and if database credentials are setup correctly it should migrate all entities into your DB.

6. Running the server.

After the setup is completed you should be able to run the RAGEMP-Server.exe and start the server.


If your hosting this gamemode from a server external from your local network ensure to port forward so you can connect. Getting started with server RAGE:MP

Web Panel: UserControlPanel

To use the web panel setup your DB credentials in UserControlPanel\.env.example

DATABASE_HOST="server host name"
RAGEMP_SERVERIP="server ip seperated with commas etc 123,124,4,22"
NEXT_PUBLIC_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY="recaptcha client key"
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY="recaptcha server key"
DISCORD_BANS_WEBHOOK="discord bans webhook"

You can find more about google recaptcha here

To edit the UI you must run the VueJS dev server (located in ClientSide\client-ui) once your changes are made simply build the UI with npm run build and repeat step 4.

In game images


A feature-full RAGE:MP gamemode created using C# & TS.








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