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UnchartedBull edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

You can install OctoDash automatically with the provided script or manually, if you don't trust the script source here. If your setup differs from the normal Raspbian / OctoPi Installation it is preferred to do the manual installation.

Automatic Installation

The automatic installation is as simple as pasting the following line into the shell on the device that should run OctoDash. The script will ask you multiple questions and can even install some OctoPrint plugins for you.

bash <(wget -qO-

TODO If you have questions during the initial setup - please consult the setup guide.

Manual Installation

You need to manually install the DisplayLayerProgress Plugin by OllisGit via the OctoPrint UI to enable the full functionality of OctoDash. You can also install other, optional plugins listed here.

Download and Install OctoDash

  • Install Dependencies

    sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libnotify4 libnss3 libxss1 libxtst6 xdg-utils libatspi2.0-0 libuuid1 libappindicator3-1 libsecret-1-0 gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0

  • Download the latest release Check for newer version and replace v2.0.0 with the latest version (Releases)

    wget -O octodash.deb

  • Install the app

    sudo dpkg -i octodash.deb

Start OctoDash Automatic on Boot

This is a minimal install to just display OctoDash on Raspbian LITE. It keeps the load on the Pi quite low and improves start-up time. If you use another Window Manager adjust your files according to the Documentation.

  • Enable pi Console Autologin via

    sudo raspi-config

  • Install xorg + ratpoison

    sudo apt install xserver-xorg ratpoison x11-xserver-utils xinit libgtk-3-0

  • Create the .xinitrc file

    nano ~/.xinitrc

  • Add the following contents:

        xset s off
        xset s noblank
        xset -dpms
  • make the file executable

    sudo chmod +x .xinitrc

  • make xinit autostart on boot

    nano ~/.bashrc

    • add the following at the very bottom:

      if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -z "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
          xinit -- -nocursor
  • reboot


If you want OctoDash to show up directly on the screen after each boot, please make sure, that you enable Console Autologin with sudo raspi-config like so:

For newer Raspbian / OctoPi installations you need to select the following:

  • 1 System Options -> S5 Boot / Auto Login -> B2 Console Autologin

For older systems you need to select Console Autologin like this:

  • 3 Boot Options -> B2 Console Autologin

Finally select <Finish> and <Yes> if asked to reboot

This will grant full access to everyone with physical access to the Raspberry Pi.

Website (deprecated)

The OctoDash Website Support was dropped in v1.1.0. It is still possible, you need to figure out some things yourself though, as the app is heavily relying on the electron backend to do things like parsing the config. If you manage to polyfill the Electron IPC OctoDash should work in a browser.

The Project can be build using the Angular CLI and can be served via any webserver.