This code introduces distortion in SVG format sketches. It can be used for sketch data augmentation.
Input: sketches in TU Berlin style SVG format.
dataAugN: Number of distorted/augmented samples that are going to be generated.
transXVar: Translation along x axis
transYVar: Translation along y axis
rotateVar: Degrees of rotation
scaleXVar: Scale along x axis
scaleYVar: Scale along y axis
skewXVar: Skew along x axis
skewYVar: Skew along y axis
pathXVar: Path jittering along x axis
pathYVar: Path jittering along y axis
curveXVar: Bézier Curve jittering along x axis
curveYVar: Bézier Curve jittering along y axis
Output: distorted sketches in TUBerlin style svg format.