Group members: Sean Abreau, Matthew Owen, Nakarit Suthapreda, Qingyu Ye
How to recreate dataset:
- go to bts website and download "Reporting Carrier On-Time Performance (1987-present)" filter to only the years 2016 & 2017
- go to noaa website and produce 65 data requests for all 324 airports WBAN stations (will take multiple days) can find WBAN to FAA airport code in our "wban_to_iata" file
- use our file "tail_num_with_number_of_seats" to map tail numbers to seat counts and merge
In all honesty replicating our data is not feasible and should you want our data please reach out to us
Introduction to some .py scripts:
Match American Airlines nose numbers into tail numbers
Scrape tail numbers data from
Functions that can update information manually to the tail number data
Merge location data to the airport IATA code
Make visualizations on US map, see also ./visualizations/Qingyu_Visualization.ipynb
Match WBAN number to IATA code
Calculate average delay minutes of different weather types for plots, see also ./visualizations/Qingyu_Visualization.ipynb
Find the matched weather information in weather dataframe
Find the matched weather information in weather dataframe, using global variances, slightly faster than