Formatting Code
poetry run format
Verify Changes
# verify types (mypy)
poetry run types
# lint
poetry run lint
Build local package
poetry build -f sdist
Update Schema Diagrams
To generate schemas you will need to run poetry install --with docs
to install the proper dependencies
poetry run docs
class GroundControlPoint {
gcp_id: str
map_geom: Geom_Point
px_geom: Pixel_Point
confidence: Optional[float]
model: str
model_version: str
crs: Optional[str]
class GeoreferenceResults {
cog_id: str
georeference_results: Optional[list[GeoreferenceResult]]
gcps: Optional[list[GroundControlPoint]]
system: str
system_version: str
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class Area_Extraction {
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
coordinates: list[list[list[Union[float, int]]]]
bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
category: AreaType
text: Optional[str]
confidence: Optional[float]
model: Optional[str]
model_version: Optional[str]
class ProjectionResult {
crs: str
gcp_ids: list[str]
file_name: str
class Pixel_Point {
rows_from_top: Union[float, int]
columns_from_left: Union[float, int]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
class GeoreferenceResult {
likely_CRSs: Optional[list[str]]
map_area: Optional[Area_Extraction]
projections: Optional[list[ProjectionResult]]
class Geom_Point {
latitude: Union[float, int, NoneType]
longitude: Union[float, int, NoneType]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
Area_Extraction ..> AreaType
Area_Extraction ..> GeomType
Geom_Point ..> GeomType
Pixel_Point ..> GeomType
GroundControlPoint ..> Pixel_Point
GroundControlPoint ..> Geom_Point
GeoreferenceResult ..> ProjectionResult
GeoreferenceResult ..> Area_Extraction
GeoreferenceResults ..> GeoreferenceResult
GeoreferenceResults ..> GroundControlPoint
class MapMetaData {
title: Optional[str]
year: Optional[int]
crs: Optional[str]
authors: Optional[list[str]]
organization: Optional[str]
scale: Optional[int]
quadrangle_name: Optional[str]
map_shape: Optional[MapShapeTypes]
map_color_scheme: Optional[MapColorSchemeTypes]
publisher: Optional[str]
state: Optional[str]
model: str
model_version: str
class MapShapeTypes {
rectangular: str = 'rectangular'
non_rectangular: str = 'non_rectangular'
class MapColorSchemeTypes {
full_color: str = 'full_color'
monochrome: str = 'monochrome'
grayscale: str = 'grayscale'
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: Optional[bool]
map_metadata: Optional[list[MapMetaData]]
MapMetaData ..> MapShapeTypes
MapMetaData ..> MapColorSchemeTypes
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
feature results
class PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
map_unit: Optional[MapUnit]
abbreviation: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
category: Optional[str]
color: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
pattern: Optional[str]
polygon_features: Optional[PolygonFeatureCollection]
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: Optional[bool]
map_metadata: Optional[list[MapMetaData]]
class FeatureResults {
cog_id: str
line_feature_results: Optional[list[LineLegendAndFeaturesResult]]
point_feature_results: Optional[list[PointLegendAndFeaturesResult]]
polygon_feature_results: Optional[list[PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult]]
cog_area_extractions: Optional[list[Area_Extraction]]
cog_metadata_extractions: Optional[list[CogMetaData]]
system: str
system_version: str
class LineLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
line_features: Optional[LineFeatureCollection]
class Area_Extraction {
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
coordinates: list[list[list[Union[float, int]]]]
bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
category: AreaType
text: Optional[str]
confidence: Optional[float]
model: Optional[str]
model_version: Optional[str]
class PointLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
point_features: Optional[list[PointFeatureCollection]]
Area_Extraction ..> AreaType
Area_Extraction ..> GeomType
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> LineFeatureCollection
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PointFeatureCollection
PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult ..> PolygonFeatureCollection
PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult ..> MapUnit
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
FeatureResults ..> PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult
FeatureResults ..> CogMetaData
FeatureResults ..> LineLegendAndFeaturesResult
FeatureResults ..> Area_Extraction
FeatureResults ..> PointLegendAndFeaturesResult
point feature
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class Point {
coordinates: list[Union[float, int]]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Point
class PointFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: list[PointFeature]
class PointFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Point
properties: PointProperties
class PointProperties {
model: Optional[str]
model_version: Optional[str]
confidence: Optional[float]
bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
dip: Optional[int]
dip_direction: Optional[int]
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class PointLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
point_features: Optional[list[PointFeatureCollection]]
Point ..> GeomType
PointFeature ..> PointProperties
PointFeature ..> GeoJsonType
PointFeature ..> Point
PointFeatureCollection ..> PointFeature
PointFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
PointLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> PointFeatureCollection
line feature
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class LineFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: Optional[list[LineFeature]]
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class Line {
coordinates: list[list[Union[float, int]]]
type: GeomType = GeomType.LineString
class LineProperty {
model: Optional[str]
model_version: Optional[str]
confidence: Optional[float]
dash_pattern: Optional[DashType] = None
symbol: Optional[str]
class LineLegendAndFeaturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
line_features: Optional[LineFeatureCollection]
class DashType {
solid: str = 'solid'
dash: str = 'dash'
dotted: str = 'dotted'
class LineFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Line
properties: LineProperty
Line ..> GeomType
LineProperty ..> DashType
LineFeature ..> Line
LineFeature ..> GeoJsonType
LineFeature ..> LineProperty
LineFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
LineFeatureCollection ..> LineFeature
LineLegendAndFeaturesResult ..> LineFeatureCollection
polygon feature
class PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult {
id: str
crs: str
cdr_projection_id: Optional[str]
map_unit: Optional[MapUnit]
abbreviation: Optional[str]
legend_bbox: Optional[list[Union[float, int]]]
category: Optional[str]
color: Optional[str]
description: Optional[str]
pattern: Optional[str]
polygon_features: Optional[PolygonFeatureCollection]
class GeoJsonType {
Feature: str = 'Feature'
FeatureCollection: str = 'FeatureCollection'
class PolygonFeatureCollection {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.FeatureCollection
features: Optional[list[PolygonFeature]]
class PolygonFeature {
type: GeoJsonType = GeoJsonType.Feature
id: str
geometry: Polygon
properties: PolygonProperty
class PolygonProperty {
model: Optional[str]
model_version: Optional[str]
confidence: Optional[float]
class GeomType {
Point: str = 'Point'
LineString: str = 'LineString'
Polygon: str = 'Polygon'
class Polygon {
coordinates: list[list[list[Union[float, int]]]]
type: GeomType = GeomType.Polygon
class MapUnit {
age_text: Optional[str]
b_age: Optional[float]
b_interval: Optional[str]
lithology: Optional[str]
name: Optional[str]
t_age: Optional[float]
t_interval: Optional[str]
comments: Optional[str]
Polygon ..> GeomType
PolygonFeature ..> Polygon
PolygonFeature ..> PolygonProperty
PolygonFeature ..> GeoJsonType
PolygonFeatureCollection ..> PolygonFeature
PolygonFeatureCollection ..> GeoJsonType
PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult ..> PolygonFeatureCollection
PolygonLegendAndFeauturesResult ..> MapUnit
cog metadata
class MapMetaData {
title: Optional[str]
year: Optional[int]
crs: Optional[str]
authors: Optional[list[str]]
organization: Optional[str]
scale: Optional[int]
quadrangle_name: Optional[str]
map_shape: Optional[MapShapeTypes]
map_color_scheme: Optional[MapColorSchemeTypes]
publisher: Optional[str]
state: Optional[str]
model: str
model_version: str
class MapShapeTypes {
rectangular: str = 'rectangular'
non_rectangular: str = 'non_rectangular'
class MapColorSchemeTypes {
full_color: str = 'full_color'
monochrome: str = 'monochrome'
grayscale: str = 'grayscale'
class CogMetaData {
cog_id: str
system: str
system_version: str
multiple_maps: Optional[bool]
map_metadata: Optional[list[MapMetaData]]
MapMetaData ..> MapShapeTypes
MapMetaData ..> MapColorSchemeTypes
CogMetaData ..> MapMetaData
class Document {
id: UUID
title: str
is_public: bool
xdd_id: Optional[str] = None
doi: Optional[str] = None
pages: Optional[int] = None
page_width: Optional[int] = None
page_height: Optional[int] = None
ingest_date: Optional[datetime] = None
ingest_batch: Optional[str] = None
xdd_link: Optional[str] = None
doi_link: Optional[str] = None
Document ..> datetime
Document ..> UUID