Beast Breakout is an action-packed, animal-themed game created by the students of Studio 1 for CSSE3200 at the University of Queensland. Developed by over 40 students across multiple teams, the game has evolved from a basic engine into a dynamic world filled with challenges, animal combat, and engaging mechanics.
No matter your preferred style of gameplay, Beast Breakout offers an immersive experience that will keep you hooked. To dive into the world of Beast Breakout, start with our Game Overview.
This game was developed over 8 weeks, broken down into four 2-week sprints. Each sprint had specific goals:
- Sprint 1: Minimum Viable Product
- Sprint 2: Core Game Functionality
- Sprint 3: Full Game Delivery
- Sprint 4: Game Polishing and Testing
To track and manage these sprints, the students utilized this GitHub repository, documenting their work through pull requests and issues.
This game engine was developed to support studio-based project courses at the University of Queensland. It provides a fun environment in which students can develop a real game over the duration of the semester. It is based on the libGDX framework and is developed in Java.
You are welcome to use the game engine for your own purposes. It is released under the MIT license. Acknowledgment of the source of the game engine is required.