First you have to import 'FomaViewableSound'
import 'FomaViewableSound'
and alseo you have to make FomaViewableSound instance
let fomaViewableSound = FomaViewableSound()
and present on the view controller you want to
(recommend systemOrange for the gradintColor and black for the backgroundColor)
@IBAction func tapShowButton(_ sender: Any) {
//if you don't have building images self, songTitle: "song title", buildingImages: nil, gradientColor: .systemOrange, backgroundColor: .black)
//or if you have building images self, songTitle: "song title", buildingImages: images, gradientColor: .systemOrange, backgroundColor: .black)
- iOS 13
- Xcode 12
- Swift 5.0
FomaViewableSound is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FomaViewableSound'
fomagran, [email protected]
FomaViewableSound is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.