This is a feedback-only "repository" for the Biotelemetry Autonomous and Real-time Database website.
BARD can be found at
Please use the "issues" tab to give feedback and suggestions for BARD or related telemetry websites.
What features would you like to see added? Do you like something some other telemetry site has that we don't? Do you know of any other regional groups that tag fish or put out receivers that we should be in contact with? Did you encounter any bugs?
If you are interested in adding data to BARD, please see
Please create a new issue on this project.
I'll try to respond as soon as I can get to it. if you have any further questions just respond in the thread created and I'll get back to you soon. Feel free to ask a question on any old issue too, even if you didn't create the issue and even if it is marked as closed.
If you have any technical problems with Git or GitHub, rather than this project specifically, ask Support directly.
Check out the closed issues filter on this repository to browse issues I've addressed in the past. Feel free to dig into some of the older threads!
Open or closed, bug or kind words, you can find it here.