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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 2, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Network Table

A communication hub that runs on a central machine located on Raye. Receives updates on sensor data (from GPS, wind sensors, etc), and allows other programs to connect to the network table using pub/sub or request/reply.

Network Table Communication Protocol

This repository also contains source code for programs which are used to transfer data between various other programs. These are located in the projects folder. All together, these programs make up Raye's communication infrastructure that connects the pathfinding, boat controller, and motor/sensor modules.

System Architecture


Install Dependencies

Clone all submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive

Install these dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cppcheck pep8 cmake clang libzmq3-dev libboost-all-dev pkg-config libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler

Python scripts require the following:
pip3 install pyzmq protobuf python-can
pip2 install pyserial requests


In the root directory of the repository run these commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

CMake flags (pre-compile)

When you run cmake, theres certain flags you can pass to cmake to control how your project is compiled. Note that these variables are "sticky". If you set them, and then later you just run cmake .., the variables will still be set to whatever you last set them to. You can either pass in the flag again to set them to something else, or delete your build folder to reset to normal.

ROS (Robot Operating System)


By default, this is set to OFF. Setting ENABLE_ROS to ON builds an extra executable which is ran on the Intel NUC. Inside the NUC, ROS is used to communicate between different processes. Obviously you will need to have ROS installed. Refer to the ROS website to find out how to install it on your computer.

To use the sailbot-msg datatypes from your terminal, (for example if you're running rostopic echo /sensors), you will have to run
source ./build/devel/setup.bash


Executables can be found in build/bin/

More information on each of the executable programs can be found in the projects directory.

Style Guide, Linting, and Code Check

For C++ follow Google's C++ Style Guide.
For Python follow pep8.

Run cpplint to check the code for style guideline violations.


Run cppcheck to check code for possible bugs.


Run the python linter to check code for style guideline violations.



Creating & Running Tests

Whenever you add new tests, you will need to add the required .cpp and .h files to the TEST_FILES parameter in test/basic_tests/CMakelists.txt.

For example:


To run the tests, use CMake to compile the project, then run basic_tests in build/bin. It will notify you if tests pass or fail.

Structure of the code

The directories src and test/basic_tests should mirror each other. That is, any unit testing code for the file src/a/b.cpp should be in test/basic_tests/a/bTest.cpp.

  • src/ - Source code of the network-table.
  • scripts/ - Scripts used for various purposes. View the comments at the top of the scripts to learn what they do.
  • test/ - Unit tests. These test specific functionality of the network-table.
  • projects/ - Target specific code. For more details, check the README file in this directory.
  • jenkins/ - Jenkins scripts for running automated tests.