File .env must exist in project root for utility to work. Look .env.example file for example. FILES_CONFIG field references JSON file containing array of files to backup (Look up files.json.example for reference).
PASSWORD - used for encryption of the files IPFS_CLIENT_URL - IPFS node api endpoint - default is
First run npm install
as usual.
npm run sync
- syncs file with ipfs. Files not found locally are either skipped if no entry exists in database, or they are decrypted from IPFS and then saved. Changed files are updated on IPFS and entry saved to database.npm run clean-db
- unpins all backups from IPFS and deletes db.json
Database is actually db.json and it containes all entries backed up encrpyted on IPFS, along with some data used for encryption. Do not share or publish publicly .env and db.json files!