Tulpar Yazılım is a Software Company and Consultants @ TulparYazilim | Embracing Technology | Creating Experiences So this project is our base project for react native. You can just download and use it however you want.
⭐️ styled-components and styled-system
- You can use styled components for creating base components. It is really simple to use. You can find some example components such as "Box" on "src/app/components" folder.
⭐️ react-tracked
- If you don't want to use redux system, you can follow to use react-tracked. It is not complex and simple to use. We really like to use it. Yuo can find context on "src/base/utils" folder.
⭐️ react-native-svg
- You can use react-native-svg for translating svg icons into components. So svg components can be editable inside project.
⭐️ react-native-toast-message
- This package is very useful to show toast messages to user.
⭐️ react-native-elements
- With this package you can add very useful components into your project. Follow this link for more info. https://reactnativeelements.com/
⭐️ react-native-onesignal
- We generally use onesignal for sending push notifications to users. So follow this link for more info. https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/react-native-sdk
⭐️ react-native-crypto-js
- You can use cryptojs for encrypt and decrypt implementation to secure datas.
⭐️ @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
- Async storage is very useful package for save your state on local storage.
⭐️ @react-navigation/bottom-tabs and @react-navigation/drawer
- We added bottom tabs and side drawer menu support to our base project. So you don't need to add bottom tabs and side menu. You can find ready to use bottom tab and side menu on "src/app/navigations" folder.
⭐️ react-native-inappbrowser-reborn
- If you need in app browser in your project, you can use this package. For more info follow this link. https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn
⭐️ react-native-modalbox
- Yuo can use this package for adding custom modals into your project. For more info follow this link. https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-modalbox
Talk to us about more commands if you need
⚡ npm run svgr
- First you can take a look package.json scripts section for how to run this command. This command convert icons to components which folder is "src/icons" into "src/app/components/icons". So if you want to change folders, you can manage it from package.json.
⚡ npm run android
- This command runs android on device or emulator.
⚡ npm run android-release
- This command runs android on device or emulator with release version.
⚡ npm run ios
- This command runs iOS project.
⚡ npm run icon
- This command sets application icon for android and ios project. So first you can take a look package.json scripts section. You can see "icon" section and "src/assets/icon_image.png" location for icon image. You can change this image and run the command.
⚡ npm run splash
- This command sets application splash screen for android and ios project. So first you can take a look package.json scripts section. You can see "splash" section and "src/assets/splash_image.png" location for splash screen image. You can change this image and run the command.
⚡ npm run clean:android | clean:ios
- This is for cleaning android or ios project. After this command you can you npm run android | ios for clean build and run project.
⚡ npm run pod
- This command runs iOS pod install process.
⚡ npm run release-apk:android
- This command build android project and deploy release apk on "android/app/build/outputs/apk/release"
⚡ npm run release-aab:android
- This command build android project and deploy release aab on "android/app/build/outputs/aab/release"
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⭐️ From Tulpar Yazılım