PHP library to produce & verify TrueLayer API request signatures. If you want to know more about how TrueLayer's signatures work, see this documentation for an explanation.
Require using composer:
$ composer require truelayer/signing
First, create a Signer instance, using one of the following methods:
use TrueLayer\Signing\Signer;
$signer = Signer::signWithPemFile('kid-value', '/path/to/privatekey');
$signer = Signer::signWithPem('kid-value', $pemContents);
$signer = Signer::signWithPemBase64('kid-value', $pemContentsBase64Encoded);
$signer = Signer::signWithKey('kid-value', new \Jose\Component\Core\JWK());
Then you can use it to create signatures:
use TrueLayer\Signing\Signer;
$signature = $signer->method('POST')
->path('/path') // The api path
->header('Idempotency-Key', 'my-key') // The idempotency key you must send with your request
->body('stringified request body')
You can also sign a PSR-7 request which will automatically compile the signature and add it to the Tl-Signature
use TrueLayer\Signing\Signer;
$request = $signer->addSignatureHeader($request)
First, retrieve the public keys:
- for sandbox:
- for production:
Example using the Guzzle library:
use TrueLayer\Signing\Verifier;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
// Note: you should add error handling as appropriate
$httpClient = new Client();
$response = $httpClient->get('')->getBody()->getContents();
$keys = json_decode($response, true)['keys'];
$verifier = Verifier::verifyWithJsonKeys(...$keys); // Note the spread operator, it's important.
Then you can use it to verify the signature you receive in your webhook under the tl-signature
->path('/path') // Should be your webhook path, for example $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
->headers($headers) // All headers you receive. Header names can be in any casing.
->body('stringified request body'); // For example file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
} catch (InvalidSignatureException $e) {
throw $e; // Handle invalid signature. You should not use this request's data.