The official TrueLayer Java client provides convenient access to TrueLayer APIs from applications built with Java.
Our stable releases are hosted on Maven Central.
As such, it's enough to simply declare the desired truelayer-java
artifact dependency
dependencies {
// ... your existing dependencies
// TL Java BE library
implementation 'com.truelayer:truelayer-java:$version'
To know more about our final releases please see our Releases section.
Unstable releases are published as SNAPSHOT
releases on the Nexus Sonatype repository.
To use on of those release with Gradle, make sure you have the following repository listed in your build.gradle file:
repositories {
// ... all your existing repos here
url ''
And you declare a dependency with a -SNAPSHOT
dependencies {
// ... your existing dependencies
// TL Java BE library
implementation 'com.truelayer:truelayer-java:$version-$featureName-SNAPSHOT'
A sample snapshot artifact would be com.truelayer:truelayer-java:0.4.10-jsdk-9-SNAPSHOT
where 0.4.10
represents the future final version of the library and jsdk-9
is the
branch name on which the new feature is being implemented.
There can be multiple artifacts available for a given snapshot. Gradle will automatically look for the latest one.
Check out the API documentation and Java library documentation.
Before using the Java library you need a developer account and a signing key pair as explained here.
TrueLayerClient client = TrueLayerClient.New()
.environment(Environment.sandbox()) // optional: to use TL sandbox environment
.withHttpLogs() // optional: logs HTTP traces to stdout
More details about our logs can be found on our wiki.
// build the payment request object
CreatePaymentRequest paymentRequest = CreatePaymentRequest.builder()
.email("[email protected]")
// fire the request
CompletableFuture<ApiResponse<CreatePaymentResponse>> paymentResponse = client
// wait for the response
ApiResponse<CreatePaymentResponse> payment = paymentResponse.get();
By default, the Hosted Payment Page link builder creates a payment result page, so you can just pass
a resource_id
, a resource_token
and return_uri
URI link = client.hppLinkBuilder()
.resourceType(ResourceType.PAYMENT) // Either PAYMENT or MANDATE. Not mandatory, if not specified PAYMENT is used as default
If needed, you can specify extra parameters as per our public documentation,
like max_wait_for_result
and signup
URI link = client.hppLinkBuilder()
Any version of the JDK >= 8 supported by Gradle can build and run this package. Check the Gradle compatibility matrix for more info.
To ensure compatibility, Gradle is configured to use the Java 8 toolchain by default.
Note that on M1 Macs, Gradle is unable to download this toolchain automatically and returns the following error:
Could not read 'https: //' as it does not exist.
Manually install an aarch64 version of the JDK 1.8 to solve it, like the "Azul Zulu 1.8" for example.
We use just to simplify commands management when building locally. Run just -l
for a list of recipes.
To build the solution run:
./gradlew build
To run unit tests:
./gradlew unit-tests
To run integration tests:
./gradlew integration-tests
To execute tests against TrueLayer sandbox environment, you should set the below environment variables:
and finally run:
./gradlew acceptance-tests
To enforce coding style guidelines the project uses palantir-java-format styles via Spotless gradle plugin.
To locally check that your sources comply with our formatting
./gradlew spotlessJavaCheck
To appy the changes suggested - if any
./gradlew spotlessApply
Bear in mind that the above checks are enforced at CI time, thus the builds will fail if not compliant.
When developing on IntelliJ you can optionally install this Spotless IntelliJ Gradle plugin as well.
Due to an open issue with JDK16+, we had to specify some extra Jvm options in the file.
If you're building on JDK versions below 9, you'll have to remove/comment the org.gradle.jvmargs
key in there.
Contributions are always welcome!
See our contributing guide.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.