This document describes the rules of identifying the correctness of patches generated by APR tools. Please consider to cite the following paper if you are interested in the rules.
author = {Kui Liu and Shangwen Wang and Anil Koyuncu and Kisub Kim and Tegawend{\'{e}} F. Bissyand{\'{e}} and Dongsun Kim and Peng Wu and Jacques Klein and Xiaoguang Mao and Yves Le Traon},
title = {On the efficiency of test suite based program repair: {A} Systematic Assessment of 16 Automated Repair Systems for Java Programs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering},
pages = {615--627},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2020},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3377811.3380338}
ACS and SimFix are available at:
The patch generated by an APR tool is identical to the developer's patch except for the diffs on format and comments.
ACS: [Chart-14], [Math-4];
ARJA: [Closure-126], [Math-98];
AVATAR: [Chart-1], [Chart-4], [Chart-24], [Closure-46], [Closure-62], [Closure-63], [Closure-73], [Lang-6], [Math-4], [Math-59];
Cardumen: [Math-70];
FixMiner: [Chart-1], [Chart-4], [Math-22], [Math-30], [Math-34], [Math-57], [Math-70], [Math-75], [Math-79];
jGenProg: [Math-5], [Math-53], [Math-70];
jMutRepair: [Chart-1], [Closure-62], [Closure-63], [Math-82], [Math-85];
kPAR: [Chart-1], [Chart-4], [Closure-73], [Math-58], [Math-70], [Math-75];
RSRepair: [Closure-126];
SimFix: [Chart-1], [Chart-7], [Chart-20], [Closure-14], [Closure-57], [Closure-62], [Closure-63], [Closure-73], [Lang-33], [Lang-43], [Lang-58], [Lang-60], [Math-5], [Math-41], [Math-53], [Math-57], [Math-59], [Math-70], [Math-(71)], [Math-75], [Math-79];
TBar: [Chart-1], [Chart-4], [Chart-9], [Chart-20], [Chart-24], Closure-62], Closure-63], Closure-73], [Lang-57], [Lang-59], [Math-5], [Math-57], [Math-70], [Math-75], [Math-79].
[AVATAR: [Chart-11];
Cardumen: [Chart-11];
FixMiner: [Chart-11];
TBar: [Chart-11].
The APR-generated patch has the same exception as the developer's patch, but does not specify the identical and concrete message.
ACS: [Chart-19], [Lang-35], [Math-25], [Math-61], [Math-89], [Math-90], [Math-99], [Time-15];
AVATAR: [Chart-19], [Math-89];
FixMiner: [Chart-19];
kPAR: [Chart-19], [Math-89];
TBar: [Chart-19], [Math-89].
The patch is generated by using a new initialized variable but not a default variable in the program, the two variables return the same value.
ARJA: [Math-58];
TBar: [Lang-47].
The APR patch is implemented by inserting new if statement but not a ternary operator to fix the bug.
TBar: [Lang-33].
All donor code of fixing a bug is rolled in a method, the patch unrolls the method but not invokes the method.
ACS: [Math-35];
ARJA: [Math-35].
The buggy variable is not replaced, its value is replaced with the correct one without other side effect.
Cardumen: [Chart-24];
FixMiner: [Chart-24].
The patch enumerates and negates the condition that is positively considered in the buggy code.
ACS: [Math_82], [Math_85].
The unnecessary code is not removed in the patch, such code will not be executed at the end or impact the execution of patched program.
ARJA: [Chart-12],[ Closure-115];
AVATAR: [Closure-115], [Lang-10];
GenProg-A: [Closure-115], [Closure-126];
RSRepairA: [Closure-115];
TBar: [Lang-10], [Math-65].
The patch checks the value of a boolean variable before other related boolean variables, and returns the related value if the condition is (not) satisfied. Developers however prefer to package the boolean variable with others and have a single return.
ACS: [Lang-24].
The APR-generated patch consists of more null checks than the corresponding developer's patch.
SimFix: [Lang-39].
The APR-generated patch considers unneeded check but such check is already considered in the context of non-buggy code.
ACS: [Math-5].
The patch fixes a partial code but passing all tests, and the patch code is identical to the partial code of developer's patch.
ACS: [Lang-7];
AVATAR: [Closure-2], [Lang-7];
jGenProg: [Closure-21], [Closure-22];
jKali: [Closure-21], [Closure-22], [Lang-7];
kPAR: [Closure-40], [Lang-7];
Nopol: [Lang-46];
RSRepair-A: [Closure-21], [Closure-22];
SimFix: [Closure-68], [Math-72];
TBar: [Lang-7].
The patch code is not compared with the same accurate value as the code of developer's patch.
ACS: [Math-3];
AVATAR: [Closure-38];
TBar: [Math-11].
The patch uses a field but not a getter method that returns the field.
AVATAR: [Lang-57].
The APR-generated patch does not remove the buggy code, but make it un-actionable (it will never be executed).
DynaMoth: [Math-50];
jKali: [Closure-126], [Lang-10], [Math-50];
KaliA: [Closure-115], [Closure-126], [Math-50];
SimFix: [Closure-115].