#Mi Mercado
Demo: http://mimercado.herokuapp.com/
When you use Mercado Libre's free publishing service to get your items displayed online to be sold, you are not entitled to a "personal shop" as paid publishings have access.
This project was created as a workaround for the lack of "personal shop" in mercado libre for the occacional users who would like to have a easy way to share all the products that they are selling. https://developers.mercadolibre.com/en_us/search-products-seller
- Products get cached using redis for performance improvement.
- Lists articles, including those that have been 'paused' in Mercado Libre.
- Check github's issues to see upcoming features.
- Composer install
- Create an app as a developer in MeLi: http://applications.mercadolibre.com/
- Get appId and secret from meli
- add appId and secret key the .env file
- get Redis working (apt-get install redis and make sure redis-server is running)
- Install mysql and add the required credentials into the .env file
- php artisan migrate:fresh (drops tables if they exist and recreates the database)
- npm install
- npm run watch ( css & js transpiler)
- Go to http://localhost:8000
- Login to Mercado libre
- hide your products you dont want to show
- go to http://localhost:8000/dummy_user (change the url for your user) and you'll get your sharing URL for your friends!
Heroku Config
- create an app in heroku
- Take note of redis's ip, port and credentials
- Add that info alongside appId,secret and userId using heroku config:set