- enlighten adding new dictionary in Editor module
- improve design
- add Lingvo Online sign to G and Ya. Beautify buttons
- make transcription in square parenthesis
- add new languages
- some code refactored
- improve design
- responsive elements added (new word)
- refactor editor.js
- store translations as string
Things to improve:
- implement user statistics
- make import/export related to local storage
- remove welcome screen from translations
- implement settings page
- write help and tips
- make responsive
- make possibility to delete dictionary
- implement storage through GitHub API
- implement reverse translations
- Stored words didn't save on change in Editor module
- remove G and YA signs from word translation cards
- make translations case-insensitive
- make autosave in word editor
- improve design
- remove some local storage keys from inner dictionaries
- implement word statistics (partly, tech level only)
- improved translation usability (empty fields, reload dics)
Things to improve:
- improve design
- remove welcome screen from translations
- make import/export related to local storage
- refactor editor.js
- implement settings page
- write help and tips
- add new languages
Things to improve:
- remove G and YA signs from word translation cards
- make translations case-insensitive
- make autosave in word editor
- improve design
- remove some local storage keys from inner dictionaries
- implement word statistics
- remove welcome screen from translations
- refactor editor.js
- implement settings page
- write help and tips