An async/await friendly Chrome debugging client with TypeScript support, designed with automation in mind.
- Promise API for async/await (most debugger commands are meant to be sequential).
- TypeScript support and uses "devtools-protocol" types, allowing you to pick a protocol version.
- Launches Chrome with a new temp user data folder so Chrome launches an isolated instance. (regardless if you already have Chrome open).
- Opens Chrome with a pipe message transport to the browser connection and supports attaching flattened session connections to targets.
- Supports cancellation in a way that avoids unhandled rejections, and allows you to add combine additional cancellation concerns.
- Supports seeing protocol debug messages with
- Use with race-cancellation library to add timeouts or other cancellation concerns to tasks using the connection.
- The library was designed to be careful about not floating promises (promises are chained immediately after being created, combining concurrent promises with all or race), this avoids unhandled rejections.
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { writeFileSync } = require("fs");
const { spawnChrome } = require("chrome-debugging-client");
* Print a url to a PDF file.
* @param url {string}
* @param file {string}
async function printToPDF(url, file) {
const chrome = spawnChrome({ headless: true });
try {
const browser = chrome.connection;
// we create with a target of about:blank so that we can
// setup Page events before navigating to url
const { targetId } = await browser.send("Target.createTarget", {
url: "about:blank",
const page = await browser.attachToTarget(targetId);
// enable events for Page domain
await page.send("Page.enable");
// concurrently wait until load and navigate
await Promise.all([
page.send("Page.navigate", { url }),
const { data } = await page.send("Page.printToPDF");
writeFileSync(file, data, "base64");
// attempt graceful close
await chrome.close();
} finally {
// kill process if hasn't exited
await chrome.dispose();
console.log(`${url} written to ${file}`);
if (process.argv.length < 4) {
console.log(`usage: printToPDF.js url file`);
`example: printToPDF.js Binomial_coefficient.pdf`,
printToPDF(process.argv[2], process.argv[3]).catch((err) => {
console.log("print failed %o", err);
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { spawnWithWebSocket } = require("chrome-debugging-client");
async function main() {
const script = `const obj = {
hello: "world",
// start node requesting it break on start at debug port that
// is available
const node = await spawnWithWebSocket(process.execPath, [
// node will pick an available port and wait for debugger
async function doDebugging() {
const { connection } = node;
// Setup console api handler
connection.on("Runtime.consoleAPICalled", ({ type, args }) => {
console.log(`console.${type}: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
// We requested Node to break on start, so we runIfWaitingForDebugger
// and wait for it to break at the start of our script.
// These commands must be sent concurrently with
// the pause event setup.
const [
callFrames: [
location: { scriptId },
] = await Promise.all([
// Right now we are paused at the start of the script
console.log(`paused reason: ${reason}`); //= paused: Break on start
console.log(`set breakpoint on line 3`);
await connection.send("Debugger.setBreakpoint", {
location: {
lineNumber: 3,
console.log("resume and wait for next paused event");
const [breakpoint] = await Promise.all([
const {
callFrames: [{ location, callFrameId }],
} = breakpoint;
console.log(`paused at line ${location.lineNumber}`);
console.log("evaluate `obj`");
const { result } = await connection.send("Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame", {
expression: "obj",
returnByValue: true,
console.log(JSON.stringify(result.value)); //= {"hello":"world"}
console.log("resume and wait for execution context to be destroyed");
await Promise.all([
try {
await doDebugging();
// Node is still alive here and waiting for the debugger to disconnect
console.log("close websocket");
// Node should exit on its own after the websocket closes
console.log("wait for exit");
await node.waitForExit();
console.log("node exited");
} finally {
// kill process if still alive
await node.dispose();
main().catch((err) => {
console.log("print failed %o", err);