The RSA-GIA pipeline is the Topp Lab’s image processing pipeline for plants grown in a gel-based medium. The input is a set of images from the gel system. The output is a csv file of traits calculated from image processing.
The pipeline acts a wrapper for the underlying CLI tools that have been developed over the years. Some of these tools have GUI versions as well, such as GiaRoots, which is referred to as Gia2D in the RSA-GIA pipeline.
This application is written in Java, and it was designed to run on a Linux system, namely CentOS. As such, installation and development guides will assume you are working in a Linux-based operating system.
The current maintainer is Kenan Oestreich <[email protected]>.
- System Structure
- Installation
- Administration
- Add new user
- Add new species
- Upload data
- Archive data (planned)
- Development
- Troubleshooting
- Missing Python Packages
- Could not connect to database
- PrincipalUser Error
- java.nio.file.attribute.UserPrincipalNotFoundException
- rsa-mv2orig-launcher
- Invalid Species
- File not found in processed_images
- Create Image Thumbnail Modal Frozen
- OutputInfoDBFunctions.findMaxRunID() Error
- Gia2D - No configuration are available
- QC2 error, cannot find “*thresholded_composite.png”
- Gia2D - ERROR 139
A guide on installing and configuring an instance of RSA-GiA is provided in provided in INSTALL. For development and testing, we recommend using a virtual machine instead. A guide on setting up a VirtualBox-based VM is provided in doc/
Create data folder and set permissions
mkdir -pv {path_to_rsa_directory}/to_sort/root {path_to_rsa_directory}/to_sort/{username} chown -Rv rsa-data:rootarch {path_to_rsa_directory}/to_sort/username chmod -Rv u+rwx,g+rxs,o+rx {path_to_rsa_directory}/to_sort/username
Put in request to add user to rootarch group
Ask Kenan Oestreich to add you to the rootarch group on Topp Lab's Storage Server and Processing Server
[Optional] Update Gel Imaging File Manager (GIFM) to include new user as project head
Conventionally, we have only had project leads and developers as project heads as defined by the GIFM. However, if time permits, adding everyone as a project head does allow for more precise control and tracking of how data is processed.
and navigate to the menuAdd Metadata > Add Organism
.The following window will appear:
Fill in the appropriate values for the required fields
Here is an example of kernza:
Warning The file naming convention is strict. For the organism name, use all lowercase letters. That's only letters, no numbers, spaces, or special characters. The organism code must be a two letter code, first letter is capitalized and the second letter is lowercase. This is typically the initials of the scientific name. Although not required, as a convention, the full scientific name is used for the species field.
Add species code and organism name to
. Typically, this is installed in the filepath/etc/opt/rsa-gia/
. You need append the new species to the comma delimited lists forspecies_names
.Here is an example.
species_names=corn,model,rice,pennycress,insilico,millet,sorghum,brachypodium,alfalfa,Sviridis,Sitalica,arabidopsis,winterbarley,hairyvetch,purpletopturnip,commonbean,kernza species_codes=Zm,Fk,Os,Ta,Is,Gm,Sb,Bd,Ms,Sv,Si,At,Hv,Vv,Bc,Pv,Ti
Warning Keep in mind that both the species name and code must be unique.
File uploads are handled by a separate Python script, the Gel Imaging File Manager. It is a minimalist script that uploads a copy of imaging data from the workstation to our storage on the Center's cluster and then adjusts the files' ownership and permissions to comply with restrictions required by rsa-gia
Currently, we need to discuss and decide how the data should be archived. Since the datasets are managed by an external database, if the files were to be moved, then there would likely be a mismatch and may break the system.
- Java SE Development Kit 8u45 (Requires Oracle account)
- Python 2.x
- A Java IDE (We recommend IntelliJ)
- MySQL Server
# Install Java
# (Manual) Download Java SE Development Kit 8u202
# Install JDK
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm
sudo tar -zxvf jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/
# (Optional) Set JRE as default alternative
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java 100
sudo alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java
## Install MySQL
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server
## Initialize MySQL server
### Enter a new password for root user when prompted
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Java SE Development Kit 8u202 (Requires Oracle account)
- Python 2.x
- A Java IDE (IntelliJ recommended)
- MySQL Server
# Install Java
# (Manual) Download Java SE Development Kit 8u202
# Install JDK
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm
sudo tar -zxvf jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/
# (Optional) Set JRE as default alternative
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0.202/bin/java 100
sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java
# Install MySQL
sudo rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install mysql-server
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo systemctl enable mysqld
sudo systemctl status mysqld
## Locate the temporary password assigned to root user
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
## Initialize MySQL server
### Enter temporary password assigned when prompted
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Maven is used to manage the project's dependencies and can be used to compile and package it.
Note: If you follow the installation guide, then the .jar
included is named rsa-gia*.jar
If you want to package the project for use, navigate to your clone of this repo and then run the following Maven command:
mvn clean package
Log into MySQL
sudo mysql
The following command will set up your MySQL connection to be the placeholder
values. If you want to change these, you will need to alter them in the source
code. The username and password are defined within the file
. You will need to
repackage rsa-gia.jar
to adjust the username or password. If you have an
existing rsa-gia.jar in use, make sure to replace it with the newly built one.
We suggest using IntelliJ with Maven to repackage it.
Key | Default Value |
db_server | localhost |
db_name | rsa_gia |
username | rsa-gia |
password | rsagia |
-- Change root user password
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
-- Create user for application & set permissions
CREATE USER 'rsa-gia'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'rsagia';
-- Create database to store application data
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rsa_gia.* to 'rsa-gia'@'%';
-- Adjust GROUP BY mode
The schema for the database that tracks usage is stored at src/resources/schema.sql
mysql -u 'rsa-gia' --password='rsagia' --database=rsa_gia < src/resources/schema.sql
- Migrate Python scripts to Python 3.8+
- Add documenation on compiling individual components from source
Verify that the
are correct insrc/main/java/org/danforthcenter/genome/rootarch/rsagia/app2/
.Key Default Value db_server localhost
db_name rsa_gia
Make sure that the user used to connect to the database (default:
) is identified bymysql_native_password
. If you created the application's user using another plugin such ascaching_sha2_password
, then you will need to alter the user. Log into your MySQL server with the appropriate permissions and change the password for said user.ALTER USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
Default Key Default Value Username rsa-gia
Password rsagia
Create rsa-data user and rootarch group and then chown dataset to that both own the data.
Make sure that the dir_group and file_group in
are set to rootarch, or at least to the group you have set to manage the data. The default is rootarch
Incorrect ownership or permissions
Recompile and modify permissions
g++ /opt/rsa-gia/bin/importer/rsa-mv2orig-launcher.cpp -o /opt/rsa-gia/bin/importer/rsa-mv2orig-launcher chown -v rsa-data:rootarch /opt/rsa-gia/bin/importer/rsa-mv2orig-launcher chmod -v 4750 /opt/rsa-gia/bin/importer/rsa-mv2orig-launcher chmod -v +x /opt/rsa-gia/bin/importer/
does not existMake sure that the user's data folder was created and has the correct permissions (
). If this is a new installation, make sure to have runrsa-create-orig
as root during the RSA-GiA installation. -
ERROR: cannot open file /tmp/allowed_organism28734873264782364786234.txt for reading
Make sure that the user running the RSA-GiA application is a member of the rootarch group.
It's common for the rootarch group to not be added to the root user. If for some reason your need to run the application as root, you can use the
command to temporarily add the group to the user account.newgrp rootarch
Add organism to database via the application.
NOTE(tparker): It appears that the values stored in are not longer used. (This code should be removed or at least deprecated)
Make sure that the user's data folder was created and has the correct permissions (rsa-data:rootarch
If this is a new installation, make sure to have run rsa-create-orig
as root during the RSA-GiA installation.
It appears to be several issues, but it boiled down to there be a null pointer exception for the experiment run ID since the files had never been run before
java.lang.NullPointerException at org.danforthcenter.genome.rootarch.rsagia.dbfunctions.OutputInfoDBFunctions.findMaxRunID(
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at org.jooq.impl.ResultImpl.get(
at org.jooq.impl.ResultImpl.getValue(
at org.danforthcenter.genome.rootarch.rsagia.dbfunctions.OutputInfoDBFunctions.findAppID(
at org.danforthcenter.genome.rootarch.rsagia.dbfunctions.OutputInfoDBFunctions.insertProgramRunTable(
at org.danforthcenter.genome.rootarch.rsagia.app2.CompositeImageWorker.doInBackground(
at org.danforthcenter.genome.rootarch.rsagia.app2.CompositeImageWorker.doInBackground(
This error is a suspected bug that occurs when the database has not been initialized. One workaround is to import an older backup of the production server into an empty database instance.
Same issue as the findMaxRunID is missing, you need to initialize it with existing configurations.
program (name,
values ('scale',null,null),('crop',null,null),('giaroot_2d',null,'xml'),('rootwork_3d',null,null),('rootwork_3d_perspective',null,null),('gia3d_v2',null,'xml'),('qc',null,null),('qc2',null,null),('qc3',null,null);
The Python script for running QC is erroring silently. In my case, the library “Pillow” was missing.
pip2 install Pillow
# OR
python2 -m pip install Pillow
Make sure that rsa-gia/gia/gia.log
exists and has a minimum of 644
permissions on it. If you followed the installation guide, you should have created a symlink to /var/log/rsa-gia/gia.log
with 664
permissions, group set to rootarch