Releases: TopEFT/topeft
Releases · TopEFT/topeft
TOP-22-006 approval updates
The updates included here are associated to the 4t cross section (to which we normalize the LO EFT sample). The cross section and uncertainty has been updated (to arxiv 2212.03259). The effect on the results is ~10% improvement in sensitivity to the 4heavy WCs, a couple percent improvement for ctp, and smaller for the other WCs.
ACR review updates
Includes some updates to handling of systematic uncertainties. Overall effects (on widths of 2 sigma asimov profiled limits) are small, ~1% at most.
Pre unblinding checks
Merge pull request #320 from TopEFT/sr-data-mc-plots Updates to tools for unblinding checks
Pre-preapproval checks v0
Merge pull request #257 from TopEFT/miscellaneous-updates Miscellaneous updates
TopCoffea 0.1
Initial release for