The following is a guideline on how to get started with this new React project.
- Consider – what exactly is asked in the assignment? What does it take?
- What data should I store (structure of state)
- Which components should I built
- Which components am I going to make "smart": manage the functions and state
- What stupid components will hang underneath: receive props and visualize what you want to show
Also, think about the structure and files of the different parts (don't forget that an appropriate and good name is worth gold!)
Start your terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to start your new project
- $npx create-react-appPROJECTNAME
- $cd in your project folder and type $code .
- VS Code with your project is launched
- delete the default JSX and the logo (+ import of this) in App.js
- delete the logo.svg file
- From App.js you will build all components slowly
Javascript Classes: React Intro: React and Breakpoints: React Event Handlers: Components: States: