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mehdi-torabiv committed Sep 1, 2024
1 parent b6922f0 commit 10371dc
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 284 deletions.
284 changes: 0 additions & 284 deletions src/pages/Identifiers/Attestation/Attestation.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ export default function Attestation() {

const handlePrepareAttestation = (attested: AttestPayload) => {
console.log({ attested });
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,289 +60,6 @@ export default function Attestation() {
{activeStep === 2 && <StepThree attestedSignutare={attestedSignutare} />}
{/* Add step navigation buttons or any additional content below */}

// /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
// import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
// import {
// DelegatedAttestationRequest,
// EAS,
// } from '@ethereum-attestation-service/eas-sdk';
// import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
// import CircularProgress from '@mui/material/CircularProgress';
// import Paper from '@mui/material/Paper';
// import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
// import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode';
// import { useLocation, useNavigate, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
// import { Address } from 'viem';
// import { useAccount } from 'wagmi';

// import StepperComponent from '../../../components/shared/CustomStepper';
// import { AttestPayload } from '../../../interfaces';
// import { platformAuthentication } from '../../../services/api/auth';
// import { useLinkIdentifierMutation } from '../../../services/api/eas/query';
// import useSnackbarStore from '../../../store/useSnackbarStore';
// import sepoliaChain from '../../../utils/contracts/eas/sepoliaChain.json';
// import { useSigner } from '../../../utils/eas-wagmi-utils';
// import {
// convertStringsToBigInts,
// getTokenForProvider,
// } from '../../../utils/helper';

// const steps = [{ label: 'Auth' }, { label: 'Attest' }, { label: 'Transact' }];

// type Provider = 'DISCORD' | 'GOOGLE';
// type Token = { token: string; exp: number; provider: Provider };
// type DecodedToken = { provider: Provider; iat: number; exp: number };

// export function Attestation() {
// const { isConnected, address } = useAccount();
// const signer = useSigner();
// const { showSnackbar } = useSnackbarStore();
// const { providers } = useParams<{ providers: 'DISCORD' | 'GOOGLE' }>();
// const location = useLocation();
// const navigate = useNavigate();
// const {
// mutate: mutateIdentifier,
// data: linkingIdentifier,
// isPending,
// } = useLinkIdentifierMutation();

// const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = useState(0);
// const [linkingIdentifierRequest, setLinkingIdentifierRequest] =
// useState<AttestPayload | null>(null);

// const [isAuthorizing, setIsAuthorizing] = useState(false);
// const [isAttesting, setIsAttesting] = useState(false);

// useEffect(() => {
// if (!isConnected) {
// console.error('Not connected');
// }
// }, [isConnected, address]);

// const handleNext = () => {
// setActiveStep((prevActiveStep) =>
// Math.min(prevActiveStep + 1, steps.length - 1)
// );
// };

// useEffect(() => {
// if (linkingIdentifier) {
// const payload: AttestPayload = convertStringsToBigInts(
// ) as AttestPayload;

// setLinkingIdentifierRequest(payload);
// handleNext();
// }
// }, [linkingIdentifier]);

// useEffect(() => {
// const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
// const jwtToken = searchParams.get('jwt');

// if (jwtToken) {
// try {
// const decoded: DecodedToken = jwtDecode(jwtToken);
// const { provider: jwtProvider } = decoded;

// const existingTokens: Token[] = JSON.parse(
// localStorage.getItem('OCI_PROVIDER_TOKENS') || '[]'
// );
// const updatedTokens = existingTokens.filter(
// (token) => token.provider !== jwtProvider
// );

// updatedTokens.push({
// token: jwtToken,
// exp: decoded.exp,
// provider: jwtProvider,
// });
// localStorage.setItem(
// JSON.stringify(updatedTokens)
// );

// navigate(location.pathname, { replace: true });

// setActiveStep(1);
// } catch (error) {
// console.error('Invalid JWT token:', error);
// }
// }
// }, [, location.pathname, navigate]);

// const handleAuthorize = async () => {
// if (!providers) return;

// setIsAuthorizing(true);
// try {
// await platformAuthentication({ platformType: providers });
// } finally {
// setIsAuthorizing(false);
// }
// };

// const handleAttest = async () => {
// setIsAttesting(true);
// try {
// const eas = new EAS(sepoliaChain.easContractAddress as Address);

// if (!signer) throw new Error('Signer not found');

// if (!linkingIdentifierRequest) throw new Error('No linking identifier');

// eas.connect(signer);

// const transformedPayload: DelegatedAttestationRequest = {
// schema: linkingIdentifierRequest?.message?.schema,
// data: {
// recipient: linkingIdentifierRequest.message.recipient,
// expirationTime: linkingIdentifierRequest.message.expirationTime,
// revocable: linkingIdentifierRequest.message.revocable,
// refUID: linkingIdentifierRequest.message.refUID,
// data:,
// },
// signature: linkingIdentifierRequest.signature,
// attester: linkingIdentifierRequest.message.attester as string,
// deadline: 0n,
// };
// console.log({ transformedPayload });

// const tx = await eas.attestByDelegation(transformedPayload);

// console.log({ tx });

// const newAttestationUID = await tx.wait();

// showSnackbar('Attestation created successfully', {
// severity: 'success',
// });

// navigate('/identifiers');

// console.log('New attestation UID:', newAttestationUID);

// console.log('Transaction receipt:', tx.receipt);
// } catch (error: any) {
// const errorCode = error?.info?.error?.code || '';

// if (errorCode === 4001) {
// showSnackbar(
// `${errorCode}, you reject the transaction. please try again...`,
// {
// severity: 'error',
// }
// );
// }
// } finally {
// setIsAttesting(false);
// }
// };

// const handleLinkIdentifier = async () => {
// const siweJwt = localStorage.getItem('OCI_TOKEN');
// if (!siweJwt || !providers) return;

// const anyJwt = getTokenForProvider(providers);

// mutateIdentifier({
// siweJwt,
// anyJwt,
// });
// };

// return (
// <Paper
// className="p-12"
// sx={{
// height: 'calc(100vh - 100px)',
// }}
// variant="elevation"
// elevation={0}
// >
// <StepperComponent steps={steps} activeStep={activeStep} />
// <div className="relative flex justify-center text-center mt-4 top-[12rem]">
// {activeStep === 0 && (
// <div className="flex flex-col items-center space-y-3">
// <Typography variant="h6" fontWeight="bold" color="initial">
// Let’s get started!
// </Typography>
// <Typography variant="body1" color="GrayText">
// Please sign in with {providers}.
// </Typography>
// <Button
// variant="contained"
// color="primary"
// onClick={handleAuthorize}
// className="mt-2"
// disabled={isAuthorizing}
// >
// {isAuthorizing ? (
// <CircularProgress size={24} color="inherit" />
// ) : (
// `Sign in with ${providers}`
// )}
// </Button>
// </div>
// )}
// {activeStep === 1 && (
// <div className="flex flex-col items-center space-y-3">
// <Typography variant="h6" fontWeight="bold" color="initial">
// Generate an attestation.
// </Typography>
// <Typography variant="body1" color="GrayText">
// An attestation is a proof that links your {providers} account to
// your wallet address.
// </Typography>
// <Button
// variant="contained"
// color="primary"
// onClick={handleLinkIdentifier}
// className="mt-2"
// disabled={isPending}
// >
// {isPending ? (
// <CircularProgress size={24} color="inherit" />
// ) : (
// 'Create attestation'
// )}
// </Button>
// </div>
// )}
// {activeStep === 2 && (
// <div className="flex flex-col items-center space-y-3">
// <Typography variant="h6" fontWeight="bold" color="initial">
// Sign Transaction.
// </Typography>
// <Typography variant="body1" color="GrayText">
// Signing the transaction will put your attestation on-chain.
// </Typography>
// <Button
// variant="contained"
// color="primary"
// onClick={handleAttest}
// className="mt-2"
// disabled={isAttesting}
// >
// {isAttesting ? (
// <CircularProgress size={24} color="inherit" />
// ) : (
// 'Sign Transaction'
// )}
// </Button>
// <Typography variant="body2" color="GrayText" className="mt-2">
// This will cost a small amount of gas.
// </Typography>
// </div>
// )}
// </div>
// </Paper>
// );
// }

// export default Attestation;

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