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Add question command

Daniel Tischner edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 9 revisions


This tutorial shows how to add a custom command, the question command:

  • /question ask <id> <question>, /question get <id>
    • asks a question and users can click a Yes or No button
    • the choice will be saved in the database from which it can be retrieved using the get subcommand
    • e.g. /question ask "noodles" "Do you like noodles?" and /question get "noodles"

Please read Add a new command and Add days command first.

What you will learn

  • add a custom command
  • reply to messages
  • add sub-commands to a command
  • add options (arguments) to a sub-command
  • ephemeral messages (only visible to one user)
  • add buttons to a message
  • memorize data inside a button
  • react to button click
  • disable buttons from an old message
  • create a new database table and migrate it
  • read and write from/to a database (using Flyway, jOOQ and SQLite)
  • basic logging (using SLF4J)



The next command focuses on how to use sub-commands and a database. We start with the same base setup as before, but this time we need a Database argument:

public final class QuestionCommand extends SlashCommandAdapter {
    private final Database database;

    public QuestionCommand(Database database) {
        super("question", "Asks users questions, responses are saved and can be retrieved back",
        this.database = database;

    public void onSlashCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
        event.reply("Hello World!").queue();

Also, we again have to register our new command by adding it to the list of commands in the Commands class, but this time providing the database instance:

public static @NotNull Collection<SlashCommand> createSlashCommands(@NotNull Database database) {
    return List.of(new PingCommand(), new DatabaseCommand(database), new QuestionCommand(database));

Add sub-commands

As first step, we have to add the two sub-commands ask and get to the command.

  • ask expects two options, id and question,
  • while get only expects one option, id.

We can configure both, the sub-commands and their options, again via the CommandData object returned by getData(), which has to be done during construction of the command:

public QuestionCommand(Database database) {
    super("question", "Asks users questions, responses are saved and can be retrieved back",
    this.database = database;

        new SubcommandData("ask", "Asks the users a question, responses will be saved")
            .addOption(OptionType.STRING, "id", "Unique ID under which the question should be saved", true)
            .addOption(OptionType.STRING, "question", "Question to ask", true),
        new SubcommandData("get", "Gets the response to the given question")
            .addOption(OptionType.STRING, "id", "Unique ID of the question to retrieve", true));

We can retrieve back the used sub-command using event.getSubcommandName(), and the corresponding option values using event.getOption(...). To simplify handling the command, we split them into two helper methods and switch on the command name:

public void onSlashCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
    switch (Objects.requireNonNull(event.getSubcommandName())) {
        case "ask" -> handleAskCommand(event);
        case "get" -> handleGetCommand(event);
        default -> throw new AssertionError();

private void handleAskCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
    String id = event.getOption("id").getAsString();
    String question = event.getOption("question").getAsString();

    event.reply("Ask command: " + id + ", " + question).queue();

private void handleGetCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
    String id = event.getOption("id").getAsString();

    event.reply("Get command: " + id).queue();

Try it out

At this point, we should try out the code. Do not forget to use /reload before though. You should now be able to use /question ask with two required options and /question get with only one required option. And the bot should respond back correspondly.

question sub commands

Ask sub-command

Add buttons

Instead of just writing down a question, we also want to give the user the opportunity to respond by clicking one of two buttons. This can be done by using .addActionRow(...) on our reply and then making use of Button.of(...).

Note that a button needs a so called component ID. The rules for this id are quite complex and can be read about in the documentation of SlashCommand#onSlashCommand. Fortunately, there is a helper that can generate component IDs easily. Since we extended SlashCommandAdapter, it is already directly available as generateComponentId() (alternatively, use the helper class ComponentIds).

Additionally, we have to remember the question ID during the dialog, since we still need to be able to save the response under the question ID in the database. The button component ID can be used for such a situation, we can just call the generator method with arguments, like generateComponentId(id), and will be able to retrieve them back later on.

The full code for the handleAskCommand method is now:

private void handleAskCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
String id = event.getOption("id").getAsString();
String question = event.getOption("question").getAsString();

                Button.of(ButtonStyle.SUCCESS, generateComponentId(id), "Yes"),
                Button.of(ButtonStyle.DANGER, generateComponentId(id), "No"))

When trying it out, we can now see the question and two buttons to respond:

question add buttons

However, clicking the buttons still does not trigger anything yet.

React to button click

In order to react to a button click, we have to give an implementation for the onButtonClick(...) method, which SlashCommandAdapter already implemented, but without any action. The method provides us with the ButtonClickEvent and also with a List<String> of arguments, which are the optional arguments added to the component id earlier. In our case, we added the question id, so we can also retrieve it back now by using args.get(0). Also, we can figure out which button was clicked by using event.getButton().getStyle().

A minimal setup could now look like:

public void onButtonClick(@NotNull ButtonClickEvent event, @NotNull List<String> args) {
    String id = args.get(0);
    ButtonStyle buttonStyle = event.getButton().getStyle();

    boolean clickedYes = switch (buttonStyle) {
        case DANGER -> false;
        case SUCCESS -> true;
        default -> throw new AssertionError("Unexpected button action clicked: " + buttonStyle);

    event.reply("id: " + id + ", clickedYes: " + clickedYes).queue();

Clicking the buttons now works:

question react to buttons

Disable buttons after click

Right now, the buttons can be clicked as often as wanted and the bot will always be triggered again. To get rid of this, we simply have to disable the buttons after someone clicked.

We can do so by using event.getMessage().editMessageComponents(...) and then providing a new list of components, i.e. the previous buttons but with button.asDisabled(). We can get hands on the previous buttons by using event.getMessage().getButtons().

Long story short, we can simply add:


and the buttons will be disabled after someone clicks them:

question ask disable button

Setup database

Last but not least for the ask command, we have to save the response in the database. Before we can get started with this, we have to create a database table and let Flyway generate the corresponding database code.

Therefore, we go to the folder TJ-Bot\application\src\main\resources\db and add a new database migration script, incrementing the version. For example, if the script with the highest version number is V1, we will add V2 to it. Give the script a nice name, such as V2__Add_Questions_Table.sql. The content is simply an SQL statement to create your desired table:

CREATE TABLE questions
    id       TEXT    NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    response INTEGER NOT NULL

After adding this file, if you build or run the code (or simply execute gradle database:build), you will be able to use the database table.

Write database

Thanks to the jOOQ framework, writing to the database is now fairly simple. You can just use database.write(...) and make usages of the generated classes revolving around the questions table:

try {
    database.write(context -> {
        QuestionsRecord questionsRecord = context.newRecord(Questions.QUESTIONS)
                .setResponse(clickedYes ? 1 : 0);
        if (questionsRecord.update() == 0) {

    event.reply("Saved response under '" + id + "'.").queue();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
    event.reply("Sorry, something went wrong.").queue();

Trying it out, and we get the expected response:

question ask write db

Add logging

At this point, we should add logging to the code to simplify debugging. Therefore, just add

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuestionCommand.class);

to the top, as a new field for our class.

Now, you can use the logger wherever you want, for example to log a possible error message during writing the database:

} catch (DatabaseException e) {
    logger.error("Failed to save response for '{}'", id, e);
    event.reply("Sorry, something went wrong.").queue();

The ask sub-command should now be working correctly.

Get sub-command

This command is simpler as we do not have any dialog. We simply have to lookup the database and respond with the result, if found.

Read database

Reading the database revolves around the methods and using the generated classes for the questions table:

OptionalInt response = -> {
    return Optional.ofNullable(context.selectFrom(Questions.QUESTIONS)


The last part will be to reply with the saved response:

if (response.isEmpty()) {
    event.reply("There is no response saved for the id '" + id + "'.")

boolean clickedYes = response.getAsInt() != 0;
event.reply("The response for '" + id + "' is: " + (clickedYes ? "Yes" : "No")).queue();

The full code for the handleGetCommand method is now:

String id = event.getOption("id").getAsString();

try {
    OptionalInt response = -> {
        return Optional.ofNullable(context.selectFrom(Questions.QUESTIONS)
    if (response.isEmpty()) {
        event.reply("There is no response saved for the id '" + id + "'.")

    boolean clickedYes = response.getAsInt() != 0;
    event.reply("The response for '" + id + "' is: " + (clickedYes ? "Yes" : "No")).queue();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
    logger.error("Failed to get response for '{}'", id, e);
    event.reply("Sorry, something went wrong.").setEphemeral(true).queue();

and if we try it out, we see that the command works:

question get

Full code

After some cleanup and minor code improvements, the full code for QuestionCommand is:

package org.togetherjava.tjbot.commands.basic;

import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.CommandInteraction;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionType;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.ActionRow;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.Button;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.ButtonStyle;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.commands.SlashCommandAdapter;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.commands.SlashCommandVisibility;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.db.Database;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.db.DatabaseException;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.db.generated.tables.Questions;
import org.togetherjava.tjbot.db.generated.tables.records.QuestionsRecord;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;

 * This creates a command called {@code /question}, which can ask users questions, save their
 * responses and retrieve back responses.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * /question ask id: noodles question: Do you like noodles?
 * // User clicks on a 'Yes' button
 * /question get id: noodles
 * // TJ-Bot: The response for 'noodles' is: Yes
 * }
 * </pre>
public final class QuestionCommand extends SlashCommandAdapter {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuestionCommand.class);
    private static final String ASK_SUBCOMMAND = "ask";
    private static final String GET_SUBCOMMAND = "get";
    private static final String ID_OPTION = "id";
    private static final String QUESTION_OPTION = "question";
    private static final String NAME = "question";
    private final Database database;

     * Creates a new question command, using the given database.
     * @param database the database to store the responses in
    public QuestionCommand(Database database) {
        super(NAME, "Asks users questions, responses are saved and can be retrieved back",
        this.database = database;

                new SubcommandData(ASK_SUBCOMMAND,
                        "Asks the users a question, responses will be saved")
                            .addOption(OptionType.STRING, ID_OPTION,
                                    "Unique ID under which the question should be saved", true)
                            .addOption(OptionType.STRING, QUESTION_OPTION, "Question to ask", true),
                new SubcommandData(GET_SUBCOMMAND, "Gets the response to the given question")
                    .addOption(OptionType.STRING, ID_OPTION,
                            "Unique ID of the question to retrieve", true));

    private static int clickedYesToInt(boolean clickedYes) {
        return clickedYes ? 1 : 0;

    private static boolean isClickedYesFromInt(int clickedYes) {
        return clickedYes != 0;

    public void onSlashCommand(@NotNull SlashCommandEvent event) {
        switch (Objects.requireNonNull(event.getSubcommandName())) {
            case ASK_SUBCOMMAND -> handleAskCommand(event);
            case GET_SUBCOMMAND -> handleGetCommand(event);
            default -> throw new AssertionError();

    private void handleAskCommand(@NotNull CommandInteraction event) {
        String id = Objects.requireNonNull(event.getOption(ID_OPTION)).getAsString();
        String question = Objects.requireNonNull(event.getOption(QUESTION_OPTION)).getAsString();

            .addActionRow(Button.of(ButtonStyle.SUCCESS, generateComponentId(id), "Yes"),
                    Button.of(ButtonStyle.DANGER, generateComponentId(id), "No"))

    public void onButtonClick(@NotNull ButtonClickEvent event, @NotNull List<String> args) {
        String id = args.get(0);
        ButtonStyle buttonStyle = Objects.requireNonNull(event.getButton()).getStyle();

        boolean clickedYes = switch (buttonStyle) {
            case DANGER -> false;
            case SUCCESS -> true;
            default -> throw new AssertionError("Unexpected button action clicked: " + buttonStyle);


        try {
            database.write(context -> {
                QuestionsRecord questionsRecord = context.newRecord(Questions.QUESTIONS)
                if (questionsRecord.update() == 0) {

            event.reply("Saved response under '" + id + "'.").queue();
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to save response for '{}'", id, e);
            event.reply("Sorry, something went wrong.").queue();

    private void handleGetCommand(@NotNull CommandInteraction event) {
        String id = Objects.requireNonNull(event.getOption(ID_OPTION)).getAsString();

        try {
            OptionalInt response = -> {
                return Optional.ofNullable(context.selectFrom(Questions.QUESTIONS)
            if (response.isEmpty()) {
                event.reply("There is no response saved for the id '" + id + "'.")

            boolean clickedYes = isClickedYesFromInt(response.getAsInt());
            event.reply("The response for '" + id + "' is: " + (clickedYes ? "Yes" : "No")).queue();
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to get response for '{}'", id, e);
            event.reply("Sorry, something went wrong.").setEphemeral(true).queue();
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