Releases: TitanNano/TS4ControlAnySim
Releases · TitanNano/TS4ControlAnySim
What's Changed
- An issue was resolved where an exception would occur because the mod directory couldn't be found on macOS #93 by @TitanNano in #94
- A bug was fixed where sim portraits did not update and remained active when controlled NPC sims leave the current lot #95 by @TitanNano in #97
- A bug was fixed where sim portraits did not update and remained grayed out when controlled NPC sims arrived at the current lot by @TitanNano in #97
Full Changelog: v1.2.5...v1.2.6
What's Changed
- Support Stay over guests #63 by @TitanNano in #88
- Sims no longer continue to be controlled when moving them out #19 by @TitanNano in #88
- Bug was fixed that caused toddlers and children not to be selectable under certain circumstances #33 by @TitanNano in #88
Full Changelog: v1.2.4...v1.2.5
What's Changed
- Version 1.2.3 was accidentally marked as being a preview version when it was built. This new release corrects this mistake, but otherwise does not differ from the previous version.
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.2.4
What's Changed
- Grammatical update to the by @DavidMichaelH in #52
- Update Russian by @vanja-san in #39
- Update Portuguese translation #36 in #37
- Update translations for all other translations
- Bug that could cause exceptions when controlling sims without a home lot has been fixed #29
- Exceptions will now be caught when trying to read the selection_group cache file. A corrupted file could previously break the game.
- General error handling and logging has been improved
- Mod has been tested with game version
New Contributors
- @DavidMichaelH made their first contribution in #52
- @vanja-san made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3
- fixed an incompatibility with the latest version of TS4 #35
- the French translation has been completed to be on par with the latest strings introduced in
#9 #28 - a LICENSE.txt file is now included in the distributed zip archive
- if a sim is turned into a household NPC, the mod makes sure it's not being selected any longer
v1.2.1 Preview 2
- releasing a sim from control while having an other sim under active controll could cause the game to switch to the sim being released and cause a UI exception.
v1.2.1 Preview 1
- taking control of sims on an apartment lot caused an error and would break some game state.
- Household members can now be turned into household NPCs. The game will then treat them similar to pets. #3
- Any Sim can now be turned into a roommate and all roommates can be easily removed from any household. This also works in university housing / dorms.
- fixed an UI exception which sometimes occurred after removing a controlled sim #20
- Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Russian and Spanish translations have been added #13 #12 #17 #10 #11
- Chinese translation has been updated
- game state should no longer get corrupted when loading an older save file, or loading a cache with non-existing sim ids in general #22
- the mod will treat its cache with more caution now and not blindly trust it any longer
v1.2.0 Preview 4
- game state should no longer get corrupted when loading an older save file, or loading a cache with non-existing sim ids in general.