- Bot give 3 pictures per
command - 1 picture is posted to the channel every hour (by cron)
- Python (3.9)
- Debian + docker-compose v 1.26.0
- cron
- Go to
and replace telegram api token and channel id sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
cd your/path/cat_stream_bot
sudo docker compose up --build -d
- install cron
sudo apt-get install cron
- call
crontab -e
and put0 * * * * /your_path/cat_stream_bot/cron.sh
- call
suso system cron reload && suso system cron restart
- Give the launching user the rights to the file. For ex.
sudo chmod -R 777 /your_path/cat_stream_bot
- Now cats will be posting to channel every hour